Archive: Finnish Flash 6

28th March 2003 12:36 UTC

Finnish Flash 6
It's out, and it's so good it makes your panties wet ;)

Get it at DeviantART

28th March 2003 20:35 UTC

Very nice pack has some sweet presets but i have the feeling something is missing.Oussy may be a n00b(kinda) but his presets are pretty cool.Big comment coming later.

28th March 2003 21:26 UTC

very nice...been wating for this.

28th March 2003 21:30 UTC

Here are my comments. I would do them on DA, but it is really slow.

FF6 Intro(composed by Degnic) - Terrific background, but the F's aren't anything special, and neither is the text.
Degnic-Bubble Gum - I think I've already seen this. It's a nice flowy preset, but it's similar to many flowy presets.
Fractal - Nice fractal and shading in the background, but the fractal doesn't move too dynamically(try speeding it up and morphing it).
Degnic Addicated - Love the colors and the flow, but I don't like the Roto Blitter or the oscilliscope dot SSC.
Oussy 01 - Interesting look, but I would like some vertical movement and rotation in the DM.
Oussy 03 - Horrendous colors, and the movement is kinda overused, but it does result in a nice glowing plasma-like look.
Oussy 04 - Nothing great with the movement or the texture(MP's). It could be nice if you added some movement and rotation and turned it into a unique plane preset.
Oussy 05 - Somewhat interesting texture, but the movement kinda kills it. It's a simple wall movement.
Oussy 06 - Nice water movement, but the edges of the tiles are obvious and the texture isn't terrific, but it's alright.
Tuggummi Magma Warp - Rotation is too constant appearing, but the colors are great.
Tuggummi Microscopic View - I would like it if the lens moved more. I love the buffer effect in this one.
Tuggummi New Wave Whirlpool - Love the colors and the slowly morphing movement. Great preset.
Tuggummi Smoothies - Interesting preset. The smoothies could use some more subtle color change, but it is nice. Don't like the pink though.
Tuggummi SOME WAVES! - Love the 2 layer effect, and the colors and movement are great.
Tuggummi Spin Spin Galaxy - Still think that the chaotically moving dots are weird, but it is a nice preset.
Tuggummi Swirl Warp - The movement is very weird, but I like it.
Tuggummi The Ultimate TTC Battle - Love this preset. It really looks awesome, and reminds me of paranoya with some awesome colors and movements thrown on top.
Zxe A Firy Carnage - Interesting preset, but the background should be slightly dynamic and the SSC's should react a bit more to the music.
Zxe Rosedeparis - Don't like the pink color, but the movement is alright. Try making it 3D.
Zxe Spaceship - Background is great, but the spaceship looks like it's on the same plane as the stars and is flat.
Zxe Subular Flow - Don't like the vertical line, and there isn't anything spectacular in this preset.
Zxe Too Many Mushrooms Sky Looks Weird - Like the colors, but I've seen the overlayed effect before. The background is great.
Overall:4.25. Lovely presets from all of you. Can't wait til FF7 comes out.

29th March 2003 08:55 UTC

Can't wait til FF7 comes out.
It might be that FF6 was our last pack. There are not so many members anymore and since I'm quitting there is even one less. I just hope that some old members who didn't take part in this pack decides to join again and FF7 would come out eventually.....

29th March 2003 09:12 UTC

w00t I'm senior member now, Yay !

29th March 2003 12:06 UTC

Finnish Flash 6 review

Well the pack is out after some time but better late then never.Lets see what it offers :)

Degnic - Intro - Looks good, i like the idea with texered superscope in the background.Oh and shouldnt the other F be colored too ? A small bug with the text appears after an artist`s name fades out...
Otherwise its pretty original. 4.4/5
Degnic - Bubblegum - seen in Desibel v.6 and did a remix :) Its pretty cute,the water effect works great.I dont think you can make this preset better, so i`ll give it a 4.5/5
Degnic - Fractal - also in Desibel v.6 but this version looks better.Its a bit tooooo dark , add a fast brightness and it will look even better IMO. 4.3/5
Degnic - Addictated(isnt it Addictive or Addicted ?) - now this is GREAT ! I just love presets with a cartoon look! Could be a little more dynamic,a dyna shift works just great. 5/5

Oussy - 1 - new AVSer with some style i can see.Nothing too great in this preset but the overall glow is pretty cool. 3.6/5
Oussy - 3(where is 2?) - nice DM,looks like the renders are chewed hehe.The grainy effect aint so nice but the preset is kinda cute. 3.8/5
Oussy - 4 - another dancing DM :) The texture is OK but these presets need some diversity... 3.5/5
Oussy - 5 - Hah, circuits ! This one is better,the DM could be better and a little more beat responsive.Good preset. 4/5
Oussy - 6 - Wavey movement...At least the texture looks better but the preset is too blurred.Disable the blend from the last DM. 3.7/5

Tuggummi - Magma Warp - Looks great ! Adding more scopes gets a even more nicer effect. Like Addictated a dynamic shift fits here.4.2/5
Tuggummi - Microscope View - MUUUCH better then the first version.The lens that magnifies the background is MEGACOOL ! Love this one,its just perfect. 5/5
Tuggummi - New Wave Whirlpool - Magma Warp with some blue some fog and a little slow.This aint so great but it sure goes to the eye candy category. 4/5
Tuggummi - Smoothies - pretty cool idea but...but...what the hell is it ??? 4/5
Tuggummi - Some Waves - Ok this is just MESMERISING PERFECT GREAT OK SUPER COOL MARVELOUS ! One of the best presets i`ve ever seen ! Full 5 stars.
Tuggummi - Spin Spin Galaxy - another eye candy preset.The starfield is great but the galaxy looks..umm...a bit ugly IMO. 4.6/5
Tuggummi - Swirl Warp - looks like a molehole...Anyway this is yet another über preset from Tugg and its great like most of his presets. 4.8/5
Tuggummi - The Ultimate TTC battle - dammit ! Great preset but its a bit too dark.IMO these kind of presets should be bright,but not too bright.I hope you understand... 4.8/5

Zxe - A Firy Carnage (Gathering Energy remix) - Woohoo ! 3D in the pack ! Pretty cool idea but the preset looks ugly...Has a grainy effect and that yellow sucks. 3.9/5
Zxe - Rosedeparis - Sometimes looks good sometimes has a pixeled effect.Could use some improvement otherwise it is sweet. 4.2/5
Zxe - Spaceship v.2 - Uh...Race! Its a bit too fast and the space often goes out of the screen.Better osc coding is welcomed. 3.9/5
Zxe - Subular Flow - I dont like this one too much,the grain effect is too much and i hate the movement... 3.5/5
Zxe - Too Many Mushrooms(Sky Looks Weird) - Well this one has the grain effect too but it goes OK here.Has a Picasso look kinda. 4/5

Overall rating -> 4.2/5 :) Good job,too bad JDm and spherehead werent able to finish the presets in time. Oh and Degnic : DO NOT LEAVE THE AVS SCENE ! Everyone does it because of school and stuff.Dont you have 1 hour/day in which you can do a preset ?

29th March 2003 12:58 UTC

No FF7?:( Darn. Hopefully more people do join and help make some kick-ass presets.

30th March 2003 00:14 UTC


30th March 2003 09:33 UTC

Oh and Degnic : DO NOT LEAVE THE AVS SCENE ! Everyone does it because of school and stuff.Dont you have 1 hour/day in which you can do a preset ?
It's really not the school what makes me stop, I'm just totally burned out and I have no ideas left... It's all there, explained at my homepage. If you're interested go check it out : My homepage

31st March 2003 02:47 UTC

It would be a shame if you Finns would stop Finnish Flash. Group projects are always awesome. & FF was high-quality. If version 6 is any sign, you guys are in top shape & should keep with it.

31st March 2003 05:57 UTC

Well it's still Zxe, Oussy & Me (JDm, seems to lost all intress in avs, though he hasn't said anything about quitting) We will see the future of FF... well in the future :) I don't think we will be planning a new pack in the next couple of months, but it would be a shame if it would stop at 6 packs :(