Archive: SSC's or DM's

28th March 2003 01:30 UTC

SSC's or DM's
Just answer.

28th March 2003 02:03 UTC

Superscopes are much better, IMO. I am much better at using them, too.

28th March 2003 03:35 UTC


DMs are nothing without SSC. Well, you can manage without it, but you'll be mostly confined to slow speeds for cool presets and even slower for cool textures.

28th March 2003 04:30 UTC

DMs are definately making the best new presets - texture, colour and form add alot more interesting features. I guess it is a partnership really.

28th March 2003 05:07 UTC

ssc's of course ( because I still dont know everything about dm's )
and it is the most powerful tool of avs.
what can you do with a dm without textture? and a good texture can be obtained with the use of ssc's.
without ssc's, a dm would be of no use. ( except when you use bitmaps for the texture ).
of course you can make textures without ssc's but then.........

28th March 2003 06:07 UTC

I refuse to answer such a question. The other just can't exist without the other. They need each other to work perfectly, otherwise it's just a dm preset or just a superscope preset.

And yes i know i have made only superscope presets, but those all sucked and you know that.

28th March 2003 06:57 UTC

i fully agree. ssc is the dm of render, and dm is the ssc of trans. they are, simply put, the makings of any good vis - avs or otherwise.

28th March 2003 07:07 UTC

If i had to choose i would prefer the DM. Because you could create a SSC out of a simple scope and a DM.

But anyway i agree with Atero.

28th March 2003 10:49 UTC

I choose...both :)
example - Superscope for looks DM for background or a cool simple scope and a smooth 3d dm.
Magic : you can create a superscope from a superscope and a dynamic movement ? eh ??? :D

28th March 2003 11:14 UTC

Frankly, i never tried out, because i'ts a painfull process. But it's possible after all and the work needed could be calculated like this:

work for dm + ss = sqr( work for ssc )

But we could do a contest if you want, best pseudo SSC wins :p

28th March 2003 16:52 UTC

Does this question have a point or is it just a pointless waste of time and post space?

29th March 2003 13:33 UTC

i think its the second :D

30th March 2003 03:56 UTC

SSC for sure, but as its been said its like Alcohol without Drunkedness :D
It just woudltn work.

31st March 2003 02:50 UTC

Movements have something SSC severly lack: bilateral filtering (anti-aliasing). So, naturually, if you want a really good looking preset, you should stick Movements.

1st April 2003 07:19 UTC

bilateral filtering : i dont think thats necessar@ for ssc's :confused:

1st April 2003 07:38 UTC

Originally posted by shreyas_potnis
Manage with this until I get a new ke@board:
read @ as y
Why don't you use asci code?

Press Alt alt hold it and press 8 + 9 to get an "Y"
Press Alt alt hold it and press 1 + 2 + 1 to get an "y"

1st April 2003 08:28 UTC

the dumbest string ever:P

2nd April 2003 19:39 UTC

Why SSCs Rock DMs
Dynamic Movement is a very useful tool for creating movement effects... but I believe that the best AVS presets are those with a 3rd dimensional aspect to them. DMs can be used to render 3D objects using raytracing... the only problem is that that limits what you can create and it often looks ugly. SSCs have much more power for creating 3D geometry and run faster than DMs.

Besides... can DMs do this?

2nd April 2003 20:54 UTC

Wow, that's insane. Amazing job jheriko, i love the dark grey shading and the perfect movement, well done :up:

I still say this topic is a waste of web space, presets need a good mix of DM's and superscopes, or one of each. Isn't the idea to make good presets, not to decide which bits of AVS are better? I still prefer DM's and scopes though. Like this:

2nd April 2003 21:00 UTC

That's an awesome preset Jheriko. Hope it's going into your next pack. That's the best animated human-like figure I've seen in AVS, if only it was music responsive.

2nd April 2003 22:10 UTC

Thank you... I would have made it more responsive but I would have had to do a different sort animation or make the camera move around a lot more... I might make him dance next time around. I will tweak that preset some more before release though.

Nice preset you have there Raz... here's my advice: Remove the stolen DM background and make your name spin in 3D. Also since it is all straight lines you could extrude the shape into a 3D version. Then you would have a really neat intro.

2nd April 2003 23:05 UTC

I didn't steal it, i duplicated the effect with my own code. I will make it 3d and spin though, already working on it. You've officially made the best figures in avs though. No-ones going to beat that in a hurry.

2nd April 2003 23:11 UTC

Apology on the stolen thing... but it does look a lot like Retrosquares.

3rd April 2003 05:40 UTC

Originally posted by Magic.X
Why don't you use asci code?

Press Alt alt hold it and press 8 + 9 to get an "Y"
Press Alt alt hold it and press 1 + 2 + 1 to get an "y"
I would have loved to do that, but the problem is My Keypad WONT work! .
anyway, thats not a problem anymore:)

3rd April 2003 05:58 UTC

Well, it took a long time. Keyboards seem to be rare in India :P

3rd April 2003 10:23 UTC

We spend out time discussing and working on a piece of sub-software of another piece of software. Outside is a strange and dangerous place :p

It does look a lot like retrosquares, it was originally just slightly rippling and not really beat detective, then i looked at retrosquares and decided to try and duplicate the effect. I probably won't release it because it's been done almost exactly before it just fitted the nice scope i made.