Archive: most basic of questions

26th March 2003 19:29 UTC

most basic of questions
I don't know much about AVS, except that I like to look at it. The one thing I would like to do is slow down the animations and make each one stay longer on the screen before the next one pops up. Any easy way to do this?
Thanks in advance

26th March 2003 19:38 UTC

1: Giant red letters saying to Search the forums before you post.
2: Painfully obvious link to the FAQ at the top of the main forum.

You managed to ignore both, so we'll ignore you.

26th March 2003 20:43 UTC

Atero, you really like that line don't you? Why don't you come up with your own clever phrase?:p

And kokosnood, please don't call them "animations". That angers me. They are visualizations. Animations are generally static, and static isn't as good. Thanks.

26th March 2003 21:13 UTC

Now i know you've never been here before, so i'll be lenient: SEARCH THE GOD DAMNED FORUMS...
that is the example question we use when we are discussing infuriating noobs.

26th March 2003 22:16 UTC

Thank you for your kind responses ;)

I had searched the forums prior to starting this thread, and hadn't found a simple answer to my query, so I thought I could save some time and ask...but I guess I should have known that experts such as yourselves wouldn't have time to reply to such a dumb question.

I figured it out, though, by poking around. Double click on the AVS window and goto settings, presets/hotkeys. At the bottom there is a check box for "ramdomly switch presets". below that is a field to enter the amount of time each visualization stays on the screen (notice I didn't call it an animation this time).

I admire what you guys do, this is definately a cool way to express yourselves artistically; and I love watching it. Reminds me of a tape I used to have called fractilidescope. I'm glad Raz_001 was lenient. I'd hate to read a non-lenient reply ;)

26th March 2003 23:05 UTC

Thank you for not replying spitefully. At least now you see that it's quite simple to do what you wanted. This question is asked at least once a week and i'm at a loss as to how it didn't show up on a search query. I'm also glad you understand that avs is an art form and not just "some pretty colours" as most people do.

Just because you're second post showed some sense and understanding and didn't flame everyone for replying harshly (is that even a word?) to your question, if you're to be making presets and coming to the forums on a regular basis, i welcome you to forums, a community, rather pissed off at seeing "how do i stop avs changing questions" ;)

26th March 2003 23:23 UTC

Raz, harshly is a word. I agree with you, Raz. This n00b question has gone over much better than many other posts.

Guess what? This was my 3000th post!!! Yay for me!!!

26th March 2003 23:34 UTC

jesus, 3000 in 4 months, thats insane. Thats almost double mine and i've been here the same ammount of time.

26th March 2003 23:49 UTC

You have been off a month every time. I haven't even been here for 3 months yet. 4 more days until 3months from my first post.

27th March 2003 03:54 UTC

Yes, yes I do like that line quite a bit ;) Fits my attitude towards life just about perfectly :p

And all I can say is are one fucking post pumper :p

argh...too many smileys for such a small space. :igor:

27th March 2003 04:18 UTC

Try making one of your own. It's great, but you use it too much for something that isn't your own. This is just my opinion.

Postpumper??? I make some pointless posts, but I mainly stick to the current topic or discuss something related that is somewhat important. Making a lot of posts and postpumping aren't the same thing. A good example of a postpumper is nobby nobbs(who openly admits it), but dlinkwit27 has been posting even more than me recently and he does not post pump.

28th March 2003 11:43 UTC

If you like typing that much why don'T you write a book then? :p

I just can see it "AVS for n00bs - by Anubis" 10$ each... ;)

28th March 2003 22:32 UTC

AY! That's my territory :mad:

28th March 2003 22:34 UTC

I think I might make a book on AVS. Sell it at Barnes and Noble. Might bring about some more recognition for AVS. Would take a lot of time though.:(

29th March 2003 12:44 UTC

Btw...any news related to AVS primer 2.0 ?

29th March 2003 21:13 UTC

If you were going to write a book on avs you'd need to have in depth knowledge of the source code and basically have the know-how to re-program the entire thing from scratch to make a whole book about it. Or at least UnConeD's level of knowledge of what actually happens.

29th March 2003 21:45 UTC

Yeah, I know. I still may make a primer. Maybe a slightly more advanced tutorial than Atero's for the next-level noobs.

29th March 2003 22:09 UTC

i would leave it for now and wait for some sort of update, something like that takes time and an update would probably come soon after rendering all your hard work (well at least a lot of it) useless.

29th March 2003 23:10 UTC

..'., anyone trying to capitalize on my tutorials!

and you can't call it a primer. that's definitely mine.

30th March 2003 00:02 UTC

I think the phrase you're looking for is:

,/¯ /
/ /
/´¯/' '/´¯¯·¸
/'/ / / /¨¨/¯\
('( ´ ´ ¯&;/' ')
\ ' /
'\' \ _.·´
\ (
\ \

30th March 2003 00:22 UTC

Yeah, I wouldn't call it a primer. Just a tutorial or something. First I'm going to need to learn raytracing and such, though. It would probably outline a lot of the coding stuff instead of the other effects. I would go into detail of the useful math and science stuff.

30th March 2003 00:39 UTC

science is used in AVS?

(well, physics I suppose could be counted as a science, but I don't think learning chemistry will improve my AVS skills)

30th March 2003 00:42 UTC

yeah, i was referring mostly to physics, although the life-algorithms are very loosely based on biology, and the atom preset I am working on is based slightly on chemistry, but some branches of physics incorporate them as well.

Mainly, I would go into discussing collisions(bet you couldn't have guessed that), as well as the basic ideas of position, velocity, and acceleration, and different ways to realistically model them in AVS.

30th March 2003 08:20 UTC

umm. they're not based on biology at all. dumbass.

thank you.

30th March 2003 12:29 UTC

They are somewhat with the rules that they have, but that is why I said very loosely/

2nd April 2003 12:47 UTC

Originally posted by Atero
umm. they're not based on biology at all. dumbass.

thank you.
Jeez, that was a bit uncalled for.

BTW, we can't really complain about this question. The kicker is "how do I turn them off?". Nobody that I know of has ever asked "how do I enlarge the time difference?" But maybe that's just my pedantic ass doing what it does best again. :D

2nd April 2003 13:06 UTC

Originally posted by anubis2003
Maybe a slightly more advanced tutorial than Atero's for the next-level noobs.
/me lists possible ranks

-novice n00b
-moderate n00b
-advanced n00b
-established AVS'er
-advanced AVS'er
-professional AVS'er

Is this correct so and what rank woud i get then? :p

2nd April 2003 20:50 UTC

You're around the middle.

I would probably makee something for the advanced n00b/established AVS'er that allows them to take their stuff to the next level. First I have to get to the next level myself.:p

2nd April 2003 22:04 UTC

the patterns conway's life and other rules make LOOSELY RESEMBLE biological life, however the two are in no way related.

2nd April 2003 22:52 UTC

That's why I said loosely. I was just trying to bring in some more branches of science. Too bad you won't be replying to this(for a while anyways).

4th April 2003 00:41 UTC

-novice n00b
-moderate n00b
-advanced n00b
-established AVS'er <-- that's me! (even though I'm not 'established' pack-wise (I flushed all my old stuff becasue it was n00b crap and am working VERY HARD on my first "real" pack.
-advanced AVS'er
-professional AVS'er

4th April 2003 00:45 UTC

I said that or advanced n00b. not sue.

4th April 2003 02:02 UTC

maybe...just the word n00b sounds a little derogatory to me.

Originally posted by anubis2003
not sue.
You'd BETTER not sue! :p

y'know, we left one category out. Here's my version of the list:
-novice n00b
-moderate n00b
-advanced n00b
-established AVS'er
-advanced AVS'er
-professional AVS'er

4th April 2003 03:03 UTC

UnConeD is good, but there are others that are up there as well. You really seem to like him.

4th April 2003 05:54 UTC

Well, as far as i know, he does not only have a great knowledge, but he always shared it too. Maybe that's what makes him so special among other like El-Vis

4th April 2003 12:49 UTC

well, UnConeD's technical ability is astounding...I mean, look at WolfAVS...two years ago, who would have thought that was possible?

4th April 2003 20:47 UTC

I'm not saying he isn't great - in fact, I think he is the best, but you are exaggerating it, and it was kinda getting annoying. Others belong up in the same category as him.

4th April 2003 22:38 UTC


/me slinks away in shame

4th April 2003 22:52 UTC

Don't feel sorry. I just felt obliged to stick up for the others in the same category as him. Dammit, it seems my meaning isn't getting across well. Oh well. Continue on normal conversation.