Archive: Render/text

25th March 2003 18:26 UTC

This wasnt on the list or in a few search queries i tried. If anyone knows how to do this already without hassle then please enlighten me. Its nothing big but it would be nice to be able to have the colour transparent and the outline visible with text. I did what i wanted but it involved effect lists and too much framerate killing messing about.

25th March 2003 19:56 UTC

use additive/maximum blend. if you want a black outline visible, use minimum blend (invert, maxblend, invert). there's also tricks you can do with buffer save, but they're case specific afaik. what're you trying to do, exactly?

25th March 2003 20:44 UTC

Its just a preset thats based around a certain logo over a certain effect and in the logo the text is just a very dark red outline. It dosent matter what its for, i say it goes on the wishlist because although thats not a lot, its still bringing down FPS over something simple. Thanks by the way :)

26th March 2003 09:08 UTC

btw. Can someone write a new text renderer.
Render / Text II. UnconeD can you?
the default sucks..

26th March 2003 19:36 UTC case you haven't noticed...unconed's not doing packs anymore, i seriously doubt he'll devote his time to doing a new text renderer.

31st March 2003 11:45 UTC

If i'm done with Hotlist 2.2 i'm gonna develop my APE-Skills.

I'll take this as a challenge, but dont expect too much for now.