Archive: avs preset compatibility

14th March 2003 20:39 UTC

avs preset compatibility
are winamp 2.x avs presets compatible with winamp3 avs? i mean
can y copy the presets to winamp3 folder to use them with winamp3 avs?

14th March 2003 21:05 UTC

As far as i know it works.When i passed to winamp3 again i copied the presets and everything work.I think you cannot copy the wa3 presets to wa2.x avs wont run them.

14th March 2003 21:22 UTC

of course it does. the code hasn't changed at all.

15th March 2003 18:37 UTC

The vast majority of presets will work, but in my experiance there are a vary few that only work in one or the other.

15th March 2003 20:06 UTC

wow...didn't know that.

16th March 2003 23:05 UTC

I copied all of my old presets to Winamp 3
and it works fine.

17th March 2003 02:18 UTC

it is good from 2.xx to 3 and vice versa

17th March 2003 03:20 UTC

I have noticed some weird things that happen in 2 that don't happen in 3 and vice versa. Very weird things, and may just be a result of difference in speed that they run at(about 3 FPS).

17th March 2003 22:32 UTC

it is completely compatible, but if you're going to be watching/doing avs, use winamp 2.x cos it's easier on the ram (and avs is completely dependent on said ram, cos the nullsoft people are lazy arses)

17th March 2003 22:43 UTC

Although actually testing it out yourself would have been quicker than logging onto this forum and writting in that message...