Archive: how did you get all this?!

25th February 2003 15:49 UTC

how did you get all this?!
i have a large collection of avs, but i still can't understand, how do you understand all this!? There's no help for AVS, so maybe something online, huh?

25th February 2003 16:32 UTC

Wow. I've seen a lot of n00bs come and go through this forum, but man...yout take the cake.

Thus you deserve the best treatment available for such problems. To paraphrase UnConeD:
1) Sticky "FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS" thread at the top of the forum
2) Big, bold, red letters saying Search the forum before you post right in front of you when you posted.

You ignored both, so we'll ignore you.

25th February 2003 18:37 UTC

Oh, I get to use the message again.

You've just posted a frequently asked question. The answer can be found in the FAQ (link) or by searching the forums (click "Search the forums" at the top).

We do this all in our spare time, so we're trying our best to avoid unnecessary posts like yours. If you're a new user, welcome to these forums. Feel free to ask other questions, but please take five minutes of your time to make sure it hasn't been asked before: that way you don't have to wait for someone else to answer it, because the answer is already out there...

The AVS forum regulars.

26th February 2003 13:07 UTC

we.redirect GetPersonID(PERSON_NEWBIE), GetArticleID(HELP_FAQ)

I'm in a VB code mood, I had to do it :D

26th February 2003 18:48 UTC

oops sorry guys. Never will happen again

27th February 2003 01:19 UTC

You're allowed to do it once. After that we send ninjas to your house to cut your big toes off and stuff them up your nose.

27th February 2003 01:25 UTC

Jaheckelsafar, you forgot the anal raping.:D