Archive: AVS Window problems

15th February 2003 09:43 UTC

AVS Window problems
I need help with the AVS Window. The Prev Next button does not work.. I have a massive collection of vis. could this be the reason. I hate right clicking then choosing... better to use the prev next button.

15th February 2003 19:31 UTC

if you're using WA3, my first piece of advice is use 2.x (but then half the people in this forum would disagree with me). then make sure you're using the right prev/next/random button; you can define these in the "Preferences -> Hotkeys/Presets" menu.

15th February 2003 22:16 UTC

Nezumix, do you mean the actual buttons below the avs window or the keyboard buttons?

16th February 2003 08:49 UTC

1. Dump Winamp3.

2. Pick up Winamp2.

3. Use Y/U keys to cycle through instead.

16th February 2003 10:23 UTC

It's actually the buttons in the AVS window. it won't work on any skin whatsoever.. Yeah winamp2 doesn't do that but pls. get with the times...

16th February 2003 13:32 UTC

The times dictate that Winamp2 is better. Winamp3 has better skinning, but it is 10 times as buggy, and uses up more resources as well. Plus it doesn't always work

16th February 2003 15:43 UTC

Yeah, I agree, Winamp3's improvements that proved beneficial for me was merely superficial, it only gave eye candy.. style over substance. I don't use their powerful features such as the media library b'coz i just use winamp to listen audio and that's it..

And I just wanted to cycle through the vis with prev and next button adn that's just what I want 'coz its much practical that way...

Maybe it's just a bug so I have to wait for the next WA3 release again, whew.. I guess its back to Winamp2. (just for the vis that is)

16th February 2003 18:22 UTC

For those who say Sonique sucks and cling on to WA3 like Ted Kennedy to a MGD, these people would be quite interested in you....

And nezumix, it's entirely more practical to simply use the keyboard shortcuts if you don't have a skin that'll give you the prev/next buttons on the AVS window. Even better: get a better skin and stop bitching about it. Even better: edit the damn skin.
And, of course, there's always, well, not using WA3 in the first place. It's like using WinXP just cos it's there and it's new.

16th February 2003 18:51 UTC

Atero, he said that none of the skins work. He should have Winamp2 though.

17th February 2003 08:11 UTC

Pfft "get with the times" nearly everything new these days SUCKS. Music, Software, Clothing, etc.

17th February 2003 22:09 UTC

"Winamp 2 is, like, SOOOOO last Tuesday" :rolleyes:

18th February 2003 00:14 UTC

hey, i've got another prob. with this one.. the keys DON't EVEN WORK.. hmmm. it's weird..

So, i stick with the WA2 solution until then

18th February 2003 02:18 UTC

I recommend giving your computer a nice format. This may help solve some of the problems.

18th February 2003 10:49 UTC

Winamp3 has many flaws, but its video capabilities make me keep it.

18th February 2003 11:21 UTC

I prefer mplayer2 for video playing, it loads a lot faster than winamp3, is heaps more stable, and doesn't have as many bugs.

18th February 2003 20:12 UTC

Mplayer2 is great...It is (unfortunately?) the only useful thing Microsoft has ever put out - but it's still the fastest out there.

(Zeven's like me. He needs a nice fast player to load all his pr0n onto.) :p

18th February 2003 21:34 UTC

hehe ;)