Archive: i wanna be steven wittens

14th February 2003 22:02 UTC

i wanna be steven wittens
I don't know...
A pack called 'i wanna be frank nagel' was released after he left AVS (i think), so it would be nice to make a tribute pack to UnConed, based on remixes of his presets. tell me what you think...

14th February 2003 22:06 UTC

He's not 100% left so sorrry...

17th February 2003 11:15 UTC

Neither is El-Vis by the way...

24th February 2003 09:40 UTC

i was having thoughts about that, but then remembered that he's still hanging around, (if)he does go, then i would be a good idea

24th February 2003 12:45 UTC

I think we should do it as he had said that 'there will be no Whacko VII', so what's the harm, because I think he is the greatest avs maker :)

As he has still not left avs, then maybe he too can contribute :)

24th February 2003 19:59 UTC

and if you believe that, i've got some good land down in louisiana i can sell you...

25th February 2003 08:19 UTC

cool what price??

25th February 2003 11:05 UTC

I think we should, cause he is one of my fave AVSers,

The thing that impressed me most about him was the way that he pushed the limits of AVS, and made things previously thought impsossible, and even when he couldnt bend AVS to his divine will, he could code APEs to aid him, truly an awesome artist.

25th February 2003 11:58 UTC

Let's stop debating the pro's an con's. Let's start making the Pack ready!

Even if he hasn't completely left, why shouldn't we???

25th February 2003 12:27 UTC

With so much other community packs going on who has the time for this one too? Even if somebody has time, who the hell could remix UnConeD's work? Im talking about changing the code, who can be so good to edit it? :)

I wouldn't try even to remix them otherwise, because i think they are perfect and my fiddling would only make them look ugly :p

But hey, it's a free.... internet, so you can do whatever you want and if others follow then go ahead.

25th February 2003 16:37 UTC

i think we shold ALL DO TEH DEVART TRIBUTE that everyone's ignoring.............................Only 163 (?) DAYS LEFT!!!!1111!!!1!!1111!!!!1

26th February 2003 05:22 UTC

Originally posted by Tuggummi
who the hell could remix UnConeD's work? Im talking about changing the code, who can be so good to edit it? :)
Not that I know everything about codind, I have remixed some of UnconeD's presets already, for e.g milkyway II.

one easy thing-in mission to mars, just add a blue unique tone after all those mountain ssc's. then you get some other planet effect :).

I think we should make this remix pack.

What about starting a company or any thing of that sort, then make presets part by part.
we can vote for the best artist who hasnt retired, then make him director

and some guy with lot of money as the producer :p
the other artists will do drawing, some will handle camera, etc, etc

26th February 2003 05:24 UTC

btw. magig.x, did you make all those cartoons ?

26th February 2003 05:24 UTC

Because that kind of setup is unnecessary. These forums and deviantArt serve as a great place to collaborate to make presets, etc.

26th February 2003 05:44 UTC

anubis: I meant to say that we can make presets together, instead of everyone making individual packs.
this would increase the overall quality of the pack.

26th February 2003 05:47 UTC

ok, I think we should just start making 'i wanna be steven wittens'.
anyone interested can send their remixes here.
some major avs maker can review the remixes and then make a collection.

26th February 2003 05:49 UTC

if the master avsers arent interested, then I can take charge.

26th February 2003 06:10 UTC

Well im not interested... wait i already said that :p

I agree with atero, we should set our minds on other community projects since UnConeD isn't even dead yet (100% dead avster).

Anyway, carry on.

26th February 2003 21:38 UTC

I also agree with Atero...The DA pack is a MUST and we should start making at least 40 presets for it.I did 1 lol

26th February 2003 22:35 UTC

Originally posted by shreyas_potnis
if the master avsers arent interested, then I can take charge.
Shouldn't I be in charge? i feel so neglected :cry:

if we start now, and we do work in our spare time, then by the time we DO get it done and all the submissions filtered for the absolute best ones, he might have left the forums by then. This doesn't have to be done, or start for that matter, for a very long time...this doesn't have to be finished soon, even being done in a year would be OK.

naming conventions:

$original name- $yourname remix

Leave the original comments in, for your own, make a new comment.

just post everything here...

and btw...there is an edit button for a reason here,

27th February 2003 06:18 UTC

ok, Michaelthecat, you can take charge.
I have already stared making the remixes.
I think we should allow 2 remixes per artist, or a maximum of three.
post the remixes here..

Anyone Interested??
UnconeD, maybe...

27th February 2003 23:04 UTC

no limitations, but just remember that not all submissions will be used- only the best

27th February 2003 23:14 UTC

You guys are going to look really stupid if/when UnConeD comes back. Go ahead and make it if you want, but I'm not going to be any part of it.

28th February 2003 05:03 UTC

Measuring Time
I think we should ask UnconeD before we make this, if he REALLY has retired.
anyway, an intro for this pack.
i used custom bpm to measure time,
modify this and submit it here.

you will need whacko avs vi instaled.
i didnt bother to include the bitmap, because most of the guys have whacko avs VI

28th February 2003 09:45 UTC

Originally posted by anubis2003
You guys are going to look really stupid if/when UnConeD comes back.
As far as I understood it, this shall be a Tribute to UnConeD's work and not to the fact that he said he's leaving

Has a man to be dead before you can worship his work???

You're curious...

28th February 2003 15:05 UTC

Originally posted by Magic.X

Has a man to be dead before you can worship his work???
If he does have to be dead, who has to kill him.

Shot not.

28th February 2003 21:32 UTC

good work, shreyas.

remember to include the original comment too...

anubis- if he DOESN'T come back then YOU will look stupid for not helping.
if he DOES come back, we can drop the work until he DOES leave

anyways, remeber this is not time-critical. finish the devart tribute and other community packs firts before starting this

lol- speaking of UnConed, I hope THESE don't find their way here

28th February 2003 22:24 UTC

"If he does have to be dead, who has to kill him"
I will! I will!

--Oh, wait, nevermind... ;)

seriously tho, it shouldn't be released under a name like "i wanna be steven wittens" cos that's a dead insult to el-vis :/

28th February 2003 23:37 UTC

OK, I'm sorry if this is merely a tribute pack. I thought it was supposed to be a pack tributed to him because he has left. Perhaps the discussion of him leaving made it seem like this. Just try not to make it so you guys will be eating your own words though(i.e. don't say he has left forever or anything like that)).

28th February 2003 23:44 UTC

any suggestions for a better name?

28th February 2003 23:53 UTC

UnCloned Until Now.

Oooh, I like that.

1st March 2003 01:37 UTC

lol- somebody called him that once (it was a typo), I like the sound of that

1st March 2003 01:45 UTC

Yeah, that's what made me think of it. Plus it is a good title too(IMO).

1st March 2003 09:16 UTC

is anyone else interested?
is anyone except me is intereseted in making the remixes:confused:
i find that no one is contributing.
anyway, this is the first remix:::
from unconed's first pack.
Clone UnconeD. is this a good name. i dont think so.
this crossed my mind, so I am saying it.

btw. my first pack is published:

1st March 2003 15:00 UTC

i'm working on some, but of course i won't upload. most people doing this are probably dissecting the code, which will take FOREVER so it looks worthy of UnConeD.

Clone UnConed is ok, but I still like
'UnCloned (until now)

btw- read the naming conventions!!!

$original name- $yourname remix

so Unconed - wormhole - shreyas_potnis' remix

1st March 2003 17:57 UTC

Mind the capitalisation :P.
Btw if you're interested, here are some coding 'conventions' I usually use in my scopes and DMs:

cx,sx,cy,sy,sz,sz: cosine/sine of rx,ry,rz (rotation angles)
cr,cg,cb: red,green,blue color used as the basis for the scope
ip: alternating 1,0 or 1,-1 variable
ox,oy,oz: camera position in a world-fixed 3D SSC or a 3D DM.
ot: usually used to normalize/equalize ox,oy,oz
k, dx, dy, dz (and k2, dx3, ...): used for raytracing a DM
ix,iy,iz: raytracing DM, coordinates of intersection of ray with object
af: aspect-ratio correction multiply factor
sd1, sd2, sd3: random generator registers
t, ti: time and timeshift (onbeat)

In complicated scopes I sometimes reuse a variable as a temporary variable (not enough variables in AVS) so you'll have to watch out for that. Red,green,blue are often used as temporary vars if they appear near the top of a scope's per-point.

tpi: 2*pi
u is often a scaled value of i, used for evaluating paths (e.g. rollercoaster, da-traced logo, ...)
th,ph: often used as "theta, phi" for 3D polar coordinates
ph: sometimes used as phase for controlling the camera in a 3D dm. for example in Wolf3D, the camera can be in one of several 'modes' depending on where it is and what it has to do (face corridor, move ahead, stop and rotate, ...). Ph will have the values 1,2,3,4, for each possible phase a value.
bc: sometimes a beatcounter, when it will appear as bc=(bc+1)%8 (or different constant) in onbeat

1st March 2003 18:09 UTC

wow...thanks. this will make it much easier to modify your DMs.

1st March 2003 19:00 UTC

Won't make it easy though. His DM's are crazier than all getout.

1st March 2003 19:06 UTC

never said easy, just easier

let me emphasize again that this pack should be your last priority for the devart pack and others first, then start this one.

2nd March 2003 00:53 UTC

You are right we should finish the more important packs first because we don't need to make the pack yet. Uncloned (until now) is a good name.:up:

2nd March 2003 17:22 UTC

If this does happen and I am still disappeared then someone please send me an e-mail, I've got a shit ton of stuff on my machine made from modifyed UnConeD SSCs/DMs.... but yeah, I need to get back into Pack 8 before I do anything else :)

8th March 2003 19:52 UTC

I made some thing. i didn't change any code, but still if you want.
have naver realesed any presets before.


8th March 2003 21:06 UTC

Not really much of a difference except for the cartoon trip, which I don't really like your new effects.

10th March 2003 05:20 UTC

Its really tough
Remixing presets is tougher than i thought.
first you have to decode the code. thats the rel difficult part. and as UnconeD's presets are mostly about being technically anvanced, remixing them is kinda head breaking.
still i am making them. but i have to make my new pack as well!

21st March 2003 22:34 UTC

you know what would be really nice?

if this, and other community pack threads, were stickies.

*cough* Rovastar *cough*

5th April 2003 17:13 UTC

Stickied at Michaelthecat's Request.


5th April 2003 18:09 UTC

Oh yeah :D

5th April 2003 18:20 UTC

It would be nice if you could go inbetween the cubes raz - not just at the corners, but along the planes. Texture isn't anything amazing. Do something to the edges.

5th April 2003 18:32 UTC

Ok, imagine zero g maze 1 transition to zero g maze 2... huge isnt it, and zero g maze 2 just goes in a straight line with intersections after a bit. now imagine what i'd have to do to firstly choose a random path, then go inbetween the bit that takes all the mad insane coding.. a little harder than it first sounded now isn't it. I'm working on the edges on my raytraced perception which is just an intersection maxed out but i'm crap with alpha blending so it may take a while. Might change the texture, might not.

5th April 2003 19:22 UTC

Yeah, I know it would be difficult, but it would be sweet if you could do it.

5th April 2003 20:08 UTC

Umm...who coordinates this project ? And is it getting serious ?

5th April 2003 20:34 UTC

Awesome job, Raz...our first good preset (including the few I've made but haven't uploaded).

I coordiante this project (at least I started it and will upload it)

This project is to be the community pack next in line after DevArt 3rd birthday is done. After that, it will get serious (I hope).

6th April 2003 07:14 UTC

and what about the intro I made for the pack, it sure is sweet, all we need is a photo of UnconeD, perhaps we should mail him and request him to give a cool photo of himself ;)

6th April 2003 13:37 UTC

there was a photo on, now the site is dead though.

EDIT: I just looked at your intro, and if you want my objective opinion on it, it sucks, all you did was blend a ready made preset with a simple text effect and a picture. I would like to think that if this pack ever does progress that the presets it will contain will have more time and thought put into them than that. You have some good coding abilities, I'm sure that you can do much better than that.

6th April 2003 13:56 UTC

I'll make an intro, I love making intros. Do we have a final name of the pack though? because i'm not making a big scope and then ya'll change the name.

6th April 2003 14:56 UTC

Originally posted by jheriko
there was a photo on, now the site is dead though.

EDIT: all you did was blend a ready made preset with a simple text effect and a picture.
Well, I know I can do better than that, and the intro preset is merely a format about how the intro should the ones we see in new movies. We can just change the preset or can remix it.

EDIT: I can make the intro, and I will make it really cool, push avs to the limits ;), because this is a tribute to UnconeD, who really did that, just give me the final name of the pack.

Michealthecat, you are the head, so you can decide.
Here are the names out of which we can select one:
[list=1][*]I wanna be Steven Wittens[*]UncloneD[*]Clone UnconeD[*]Any more suggestions?[/list=1]

6th April 2003 15:10 UTC

Personally I don't think that the pack should be called 'I wanna be steven wittens', its like a lame ripping off of the el-vis tribute pack name and I'm sure that a lot of people will see it that way.

UncloneD sounds like it should be a pack copying UnConeD and Clone UnconeD sounds lame for the same reasons and because it is grammatically inappropriate.

6th April 2003 17:47 UTC

You forgot Anubis' suggestion, which is my personal favorite: UnCloneD (until now).

BUT...the people should decide.

After this pack is finished (if ever), we will have a nomination/voting thread.

Jheriko: I never intended this pack to be called 'I Wanna Be Steven Wittens'...I wanted a tribute to UnConeD, and I figured that name would ring a bell.

Raz: I forgot to thank you for using the correct naming conventions.

6th April 2003 18:00 UTC

I was just systematically annihilating the suggestions that all. :)

6th April 2003 18:25 UTC

I remixed two versions of "Wormhole" from his first pack, one red and one green. Which one do you like better? Or do you not like it at all? I don't really know if these are complete, but if you tell what to improve on I will.

6th April 2003 21:34 UTC

Not a bad remix but it dosen't actually look like it's moving anywhere anymore, The texture is moving but it isn't creating the illusion of moving forward/backward anymore.

6th April 2003 21:42 UTC

I agree with the name.So Michael you`re the boss ok ? :)

7th April 2003 06:02 UTC

then can we jut decide the final name?
I want to make an intro, and the sooner we start, the better

7th April 2003 11:22 UTC

I vote UnCloneD.

Not that im going to do presets for the pack anyway... Nothing personal UnConeD, but i just don't have the know-how to edit your stuff.

Also i have this eerie feeling about this that it's not going to come out good... :igor:

7th April 2003 11:27 UTC

meh. i may as well ad something here, all it is a dm of his mixed with some preset from way back, looks alright

7th April 2003 12:58 UTC

It's okay, but the ssc needs work. There isn't much brightness or fluent edges to it. And you could probably change it to a more moving DM (Such as Degnic's "Bubblegum" preset) A watery pulsating movement like that. I mean, it's a pool, right?

I like the golden shiny effects though, good job :up:

7th April 2003 19:54 UTC

How about this?

7th April 2003 23:11 UTC

You know how I don't like MP's, but it's alright. Don't like the shifting grays being alphablended on the intersections of the sides of the cube though.

8th April 2003 06:27 UTC

Uncloned is final? and give me the capital letters too :p

8th April 2003 22:08 UTC


we should have a contest for the intro by Shreyas and Raz and whoever else wants to participate

8th April 2003 22:26 UTC

I'm not bothered shreyas is more technically advanced so i think we should leave it to him.

16th April 2003 09:55 UTC

thanks, :)

16th April 2003 10:53 UTC

A new remix featuring a new APE

16th April 2003 20:22 UTC

Shreyas: your dynamic clearing ape is a bit weird... bits of functionality, but nothing really concrete. If you make an APE, you should give the preset author as much functionality, not just a blackbox (I think we stepped away from that a long time ago).

You could just as well make an optimized APE that does 'd=0' without all the memory reads, and leave the colorcoding to a single dot scope. AFAIK a single dot scope is very fast, and it allows you to code your own expressions rather than relying on your APE.

When I think about it, it'd just be a simple 'rep stos' asm block inside the APE ;).

Oh and if you guys are still going to do this pack, I'd really like if the remixes were more than just my 3D DMs with a different texture... but I guess I can't be picky :rolleyes:

16th April 2003 21:11 UTC

yeah, you can's a tribute to you :p just changing the texture is really something creative with it :/

16th April 2003 21:16 UTC

easy to say hard to do :)

16th April 2003 22:11 UTC

I redid some of my remix of watercube. I gave it a different background and made the cube morph around a bit.

17th April 2003 09:52 UTC

Originally posted by UnConeD
You could just as well make an optimized APE that does 'd=0'
well, that would be a good idea, so I have to pick the colour from the center of the screen and fill the entire screen with it.
something like

17th April 2003 11:20 UTC

doing d=0 was easy, took just 5 mins to complete!
here's the APE: (it is faster than the d=0 movement by about 12 fps on my computer)

17th April 2003 12:21 UTC

We know. It's been done many many times before. I've done it and 50/50 blended it in my water cube remix.

17th April 2003 12:24 UTC

mmm, it needs a blend option definently, should make it with x,y and d, also with source and blend options

14th May 2003 08:37 UTC

im working on a couple now..
1: reflecto cube, only with a reflecto sphere and a cube around it instead of vica-verca.

2: another 3d maze rip, only with a plane in place of an intersection
after a few times through the tunnel thingo, so it looks like you come out of a tunnel, fly around between two planes for a bit, then hop back into the tunnel again.

neither are very finished, cause i keep working on my own shit, and trying to be steve frickin wittens is so time consuming.

Btw, doe anyone know a way to use multiple textures in one raytraced dm? ive tried to use different parts of a buffer, like stretch the top left corner of a buffer and wrap that for one object, and then use another part for other objects etc, but its not working very well.

<edit> also, i think that while its important we dont simply spit out cheap re-whackoed presets, i think we should try to maintain a whacko style, rather than do presets of our own style with only a little bit of whacko in them.

14th May 2003 12:09 UTC

If the DM is not too complicated, then you can usually get away with two separate DM's that are alphablended with eachother (or additively blended after being DM-alphablended).

Otherwise you'll have to do what you said, use separate parts of the buffer for separate textures, but then you lose the ability to wrap for example.
I did a cube a while ago with 4 different textures on its sides with the best possible continuity (never released it, it was just a test) and it's not too hard if you keep track of what you're doing (write it out on paper first).

14th May 2003 13:19 UTC

What i was trying to do was use logic operators to simulate the wrap function. This is quite hard, cause the avs window is -1>1 instead of 0>1. so when you are dealing with the wrap windows it becomes 1>3, 3>5 etc, which isnt very maths friendly.

try this in a dm WITHOUT wrap on.


this is about as far as i ever got on this tangent.. you might be able to break some sort of barrier for me.

btw, sorry all for posting this sort of shit in this thread.

do you think you could post that cube if you still have it.. perhaps this thread is not the best place but.

14th May 2003 13:31 UTC

I'm leaving the remixing preset stuff up to you guys.;)

I was thinking maybe I could design the "pack picture", like the screenshot that will appear in the component section in winamp when we release this pack. (Like on "I wanna be Frank Nagel" they showed a picture of Frank Nagel with some kind of weird green shading and stuff)

Hey does anyone have a picture of UnConeD? (of course I know he does) Or would that just be a rip-off of "I wanna be Frank Nagel"?

Let me know what you think.:)

15th May 2003 11:46 UTC

maybe we should leave it untill we have all the subbmssions.. so that we can do a picture like the ones used for whacko.

15th May 2003 12:06 UTC

Ugly edges wrap:

Pingpong wrap:

As as the multiple-textures-cube goes, it's simple... just restrict each face to a different area. e.g. x=if(equal(k,k1),if(above(ix,0),iy*.5+.5,...))

15th May 2003 12:26 UTC

Originally posted by siddhartha_one
we can do a picture like the ones used for whacko.
Ok, cool.

15th May 2003 14:00 UTC

wow.. fuck me! that code is insane ucd.. why have you never used that before? pity about the ugly edges and all, but the other method kicks arse because you dont have to worry about using a wrappable texture.

you could have a skybox, and ground and other weird stufff!

whoop whoop.. im gonna go play with this!

22nd May 2003 12:11 UTC

i just completed remixing source II camera movements.
now the camera zooms near the fountain and does some crazy things.

thinking of how am i going to call it a real remix. for that i need to modify the fountain a bit.
any suggestions?

22nd May 2003 13:33 UTC

i added stuff in it.
here goes:
very cool IMO

22nd May 2003 16:31 UTC

I would brighten the splat scope so the ripples are more noticable:

Some minor speed up tips:
- Use powers of two for convolution, especially the divisor. Try this:
[2][4][2] / 8
Note how the divider is half of what it should be, so it automatically brightens in one step too.
- Use smaller n for the fountains (logical ;))
- Turn off bilinear for the 3D DM
- DM:
* Remove statement "iy=-oy+dy2*k;" not used
* Instead of "ix=ix*2;iz=iz*2;x=ix;y=iz;" just put "x=ix*2;y=iz*2;"

I really like the multiple fountains... has a sort of ballet-feel to it. Would be cool if you could program some more patterns into it, I wasn't satisfied with that either ;). Here's how they are coded:

md is the current 'mode' of spraying. It is changed onbeat, and is a number from 0..3. The current patterns are:
- Regular ******d fountain
- ******d fountain with rotational particles
- Bursting fountain
- Unrealistic 'dancing' path

Per particle the following parameters are calculated off v1,v2,v3, these are the 3 random values that are different for every point.

yv is the vertical position of the particles. If the mode is 1, then the particles are bursted in one spray, otherwise they spray constantly. This is done through "v1*(1.2-equal(md,1))" (the spread of values is either v1*1.2 or v1*0.2).
However yv is not really the vertical position, it is calculated as "yv*(1-yv)" later in 'py' to get a parabolic falling path. But you don't have to worry about that.

th is the direction of spraying on the circle (theta), so it is an angle between 0 and 2*pi.

hf is the ******d motion of the particle. the higher hf, the further from the center it will land

I suggest you first play with the fountain, and then update the 'splat' scope. The splat scope is a 2D scope that draws the particles only if they are very close to the floor (thus creating a one-time water ripple at the right time).

23rd May 2003 04:11 UTC

Ahh...This really helped. Originally I had planned to make the fountain spray different patterns at the same time. So that each pattern sprays different patterns. But then the 2d 'splat' scope woudnt match with the fountain, so I kept it as it is.
I will see what I can do. But I really liked the camera movements :)

23rd May 2003 11:05 UTC

Highly optimized preset (I didnt understand the convo fix)
I changed one of the shower style (which I didnt like)

23rd May 2003 14:31 UTC

Very nice remix... nice work on the camera movement/angles!
if I were you i would make the camera move dramtically when the fountain mode changes so that it isnt as noticable.

24th May 2003 09:25 UTC

That would be quite cool actually. Great idea! And it is not that hard to make. Thanks :)

24th May 2003 13:20 UTC

well.. while were on the topic.. heres one i did a while back.
havnt changed much of the original code, just added other shite in.
reflection, horizon, different colours.

feel free to addapt any ideas, because i really doubt that im gonna touch this thing ever again.

dont complain about this being unfinished and slow either.. because i know.

25th May 2003 10:03 UTC

I dont know what the problem is, but the preset runs very slow :igor:

25th May 2003 10:28 UTC

yeah... i havnt actually looked at that preset for a while, but i think i just threw in the effects i needed without even thinking about optimising it.

If you take out the horizon/sky, it should be uberfast again.

<edit> I had another look, and everything in the first effect list really needs to be cleaned up, ie the superscope has n=200, and it only needs around 20. Take out the color reduction too. Fuckit, you play around with it.. i couldnt be bothered.

<edit2> congrats on your major dude-ism btw.

26th May 2003 09:53 UTC

Thanks! :D

26th May 2003 22:03 UTC

Too Bad
I know we have agreed to take screenshots of the remixes, but I made this little picture before you told me. I thought I'd post it here just for kicks.

30th May 2003 13:20 UTC

another quite heavy remix by me :)
looks like very few people are interested in making this pack. atleast those who have the tech know-how should come forward :hang:

30th May 2003 14:49 UTC

very nice.. need ALOT of work though..
1. its not very reactive at the moment, and is quite slow.
2. the texered lines do not move at the same speed as the 3d dm.
3. Also, texered lines can be very dangerous to begin with, since they appear completely different on different resolutions with/without pixel doubeling.
4. the stencil shapes arnt exactly adding to much to the preset, you could put something better in instead. Plus, they should fade with z coloring.
5. Try to make the ship stand out more, maybe use a different blend mode other than additive.

the texture youve used is spectacular, and the stars are a nice touch. i miss the electicity from the original version.
:) keep it up.

il try to get round to finishing off some remixes as well.

1st June 2003 07:18 UTC

Originally posted by shreyas_potnis
looks like very few people are interested in making this pack. atleast those who have the tech know-how should come forward
actually i did'nt came forward for this pack was cause all of ucd's stuff goes over my head:P

1st June 2003 16:10 UTC

it doesnt matter.. there is no date. this just = a bank for presets to build up in untill we have enough for a pack.

1st June 2003 18:10 UTC

No i mean one has to decode a preset before remixing it(that's what i cant do:( ), otherwise any silly n00b can add any thing and say its a remix.

1st June 2003 18:49 UTC

I'm working on quite a few remixes, randomised different types of tunnel for zero g maze 3 right now. Proving to be a right royal pain in the ass. Don't worry if no-one replies for a while. It doesn't mean no ones working on it.

3rd June 2003 07:59 UTC

I'll try to make a few.

4th June 2003 05:11 UTC

and ill get to work when the semester finishes.. hopefully then ill have time to finish my pack, get some presets up here, and a couple for the dev tribuet pack.

17th June 2003 14:36 UTC

Here's something i managed to do:) I did'nt change anything much just played around with the Dm, it looks kinda like zero-g maze, but its has a dreamy feeling in it.
I added a title to it, remove the last fx list if you dont want it.
but looks nice with it.

17th June 2003 15:51 UTC

Sweet! :) :up:

18th June 2003 10:06 UTC

Here's a updated version, it got black in between so i fixed that:

20th July 2003 16:27 UTC

i am not available now, but can someone complile all the good stuff?

21st July 2003 10:18 UTC

I doubt it:rolleyes:

27th July 2003 02:05 UTC

I'm just an amateur but i'll have a go at editing them just with the colours and other stuff like that.

27th July 2003 02:12 UTC

on second thoughts i'll steer cleer of them and i'll just enjoy the veiwing

27th July 2003 02:20 UTC

steer clear

27th July 2003 05:04 UTC

A'ight. Please use the edit button next time you want to add to your previous posts or fix any typos. It's that button up under your post that looks something like this: Yup. Just click on those buttons and you can fix things so that people don't get mad and make angry curses at you for posting 3 times in a row.

12th August 2003 20:07 UTC

Ok unsticking this too. (not a big sticky fan) If there is enough interest then the thread will rise to the top.

13th August 2003 09:37 UTC

for rova-STAR'


15th August 2003 08:38 UTC

Still accepting presets for this? This one is from Pack 9 but you can stick it in this too, feel free to reformat the comment to remove the p9 blurb.

15th August 2003 14:14 UTC

This one is a great preset, but I think the sky is too crowded with stars.

15th August 2003 14:19 UTC

There are a lot of stars in the real sky. :p

Seriously though, just reduce n in the first superscope (the one with ·Starfield; at the beginning of the init section) until your happy.. but don't publish it with reduced n, I prefer it with that many stars, I changed it up from 200 originally.

15th August 2003 17:25 UTC

Wow! Shouldn't it be the other way around though? The Tie Fighter shooting at the X-Wing? Still, very good job:up:

15th August 2003 18:15 UTC

Here i made two new remixes. The other three i made sux. The best is to forget them. theese are much better than the other three.

15th August 2003 18:31 UTC

lose the buffer save in the mister happy remix.. it draws whatever was in the buffer last onto the preset which means that you can also take everything out of that nested effect list and put it into the one that contained the buffersave

edit: also there are two custom bpms.. one at the very bottom of the preset which does nothing and the one at the top destroys all on beat reactivity.. although maybe you intended that because without it the preset is pretty jumpy or occasionally draws nothing for long periods of time.

edit2: you could use one crossbar scope in the tie tunnel remix... its a minor detail of no real importance that doesn't noticably effect the preset: set n to 150 and use u=i*tpi*48;py=cos(u)*.03;pz=sin(u)*.03;px=i*1.2-0.6; for the first line of code on the original crossbar.. you can now remove the other two.

15th August 2003 18:55 UTC

Thanks for tips.
Resubmitting the whole thing now.
The mr. happy remix is an old one i realy didn't bother to look at before submitting.

16th August 2003 04:42 UTC

Or just put n=sqrt(w*h) in the per frame section :)