Archive: Have a look at this:

26th January 2003 07:43 UTC

Have a look at this:

26th January 2003 07:46 UTC

(aahrg :p the preview bug)

26th January 2003 14:55 UTC

You should rename these packs epilepsy 1 and 2. Besides the presets that flashed like crazy, the rest were alright. It looks like you have some SSC and DM knowledge. A lot of these have AVS bugs in them (like the water/heavy blur bug), and you should try to remove them.

26th January 2003 15:54 UTC

hrhr :-) I like crazy drum n bass!

>> A lot of these have AVS bugs in them (like the water/heavy blur bug), and you should try to remove them.
Oh no, I like this! :p Are there any other bugs?

>>Besides the presets that flashed like crazy,
What? Talk about MANDALA_1 ?
Watch a bit longer and you will know why I like the water/heavy blur bug!

26th January 2003 17:01 UTC

I prefer more structure in my presets. Those were too chaotic for me to watch for too long.

26th January 2003 17:02 UTC

Mandala doesn't have the water/Heavy Blur bug. Kleeblatt_0 does. And don't expect good comments if you upload these on winamp - flashing and waters don't mix.

26th January 2003 18:31 UTC

ok, thanks!

26th January 2003 22:29 UTC

My eyes hurt... :p
You have some good knowledge of DMs and superscopes but you need to learn how to make things look good, too flashy and watery.

27th January 2003 09:44 UTC

Yup, you need to learn aesthethics... fast! Most of these just look like random coding and crazy flash effects and water effects. Some presets were incredibly slow too, because there was an assload of effects used. Also remember "less is more" , meaning you can do good presets even with a few effects.