Archive: sinchonize superscope: how can i do?

31st December 2002 13:11 UTC

sinchonize superscope: how can i do?
i made 3 superscopes... 2 rotating rings (if the one rotates one time, the other rotates 4 times) what i want to do,is, that when they are in one line (horizontal) the rotation should stop, til the small SSC in the middle falls out... the next stop, it should fall back from above, and then, if it's back in the middle, the rings will begin to rotate again

can you help me, how to do?


31st December 2002 16:19 UTC

You should try a counter method, ie. count=(count+1)%maxcounts
Then just do a if(equal(count,x),do1,do2)

31st December 2002 18:20 UTC

That's pretty much how I'd do it. If you want to change how long it takes each time, whip up a pseudo random number generator and toss it in all three scopes, then use that value to determine how long the gount should be.

31st December 2002 18:46 UTC

i think he's asking how he should go about doing that sort of thing...i've thought about this sort of thing before as well, but i just haven't been able to find a solution

31st December 2002 22:24 UTC

Here's one I used. for a star field.

per frame:

per pixel:
You could do something like this.

per frame:
or something like that.