Archive: Any Good?

29th December 2002 18:30 UTC

Any Good?
Hey Guys,
I just put together 2 avs, just wondering what more could be done on them to look... more interstring... the problem is the framerate is already gettin' sort of slow unless on a high-end machine. There is a couple different versions of each one, just to let you know.


29th December 2002 22:39 UTC

Trans effects slow things down. The less you have the better. (speed wise).

For me, dynamics is important. I like a nice dynamic preset. Beat responce, not looping the same thing over and over again.

There are several excellent threads around these forums that may hepl you in your quest. Be sue to check out the sticky FAQ in the main AVS forum, and Atero's AVS primer too. (liks anyone?)

30th December 2002 22:52 UTC

Pixel Ghosts: Excellent effect with the convolution filter. Might try speeding it up a bit, though. I'd get rid of the mosaic and interleave, though.
Pixel Ghosts 2: I don't know if I like the moving particles effect inverted or not, but I know I don't like the mirror :/
Pixel Screens: I don't like the preset in general, but I like the effect made. Keep working on it
Pixel screens remixes: ^ see above ^

Amazing improvement over your first presets :) Keep it up