Archive: Poll: Tuggumi's Idea

10th December 2002 18:48 UTC

Poll: Tuggumi's Idea

Originally posted by Tuggummi in the thread "Voting your own work + AVS responsiveness"

I was just thinking...

Maybe we should have a "don't submit avs at" month (or 1-3 months since the waiting list is long and slow...

If all of the major avs artists would do this, maybe it would make a difference. Maybe it would awaken the avs developers, maybe it would make the whiners think a bit before posting reviews, maybe it wouldn't make any difference and avs would be hated even more...


I don't know is it a good idea, im only suggesting it. Now i want your opinion.
Now, personally, I think that this idea might work. However, as I said in the post, I was going to poll the AVS artists here and see what the majority opinion is.

So what do you think? Should we or shouldn't we?

11th December 2002 07:15 UTC

Not voting, 'cause neither choice reflects my opinion. I say it's not going to make a difference no matter what we do. Nullsoft doesn't seem to care, and doing this won't make a lick of difference to them.

11th December 2002 07:58 UTC

It could possibly have an effect, It could be seen a bit like a hunger strike.. Mabey not as extreem but it might be a potential spark to ignite a fire..

People can see that people are serious when they initiate change.. "Change" being the important part of that sentance..

If anything could be done it's a step down the right track as far as protest is concerned. But then again the're other ways of protesting too.. what I'd like to know is what has and hasn't been tried so far.

But as if future Winamp developments are'nt going to include some form of visualisation.. I see it as a fundemental part of a multimedia experience. It's just that they're not paying close enought attention (development) to it isn't it ?


11th December 2002 09:34 UTC

btw. why people always seem to lost one G or one M from my nick? is it really that hard to spell? :D

Even though i suggested this, i think that even if some artist would agree together not to submit presets as a protest, there would still be loads of submissions to the avs section. So i don't think it would be noticed at all, well i don't think the nullsoft staff would notice it at all... only the viewers would notice that some people don't submit anything...

Now that i think about it, it's a lose-lose situation... so im sorry for suggesting it in the first place, i was just mad about stupid arrogant people who don't know jack about avs still get to downrate somebody's work...