Archive: Accidental atom...

8th December 2002 05:18 UTC

Accidental atom...
I know I myself put an end to that whole 'atom' thing...but then this happened (by accident actually). Thought it looked fairly cool as far as the classical representation went, but I guess I have to concede to the ones who said it wouldn't be much to look at even if done well.
This runs at about 11 fps on my lagger system even when docked.:mad: You may need to adjust the number of frames in the second effect list. And perhaps a DM would be better than the roto blitter? (of course the roto blitter was the accident that made this happen!)
whatcha think?

Oh, and next challenge: A black whole. One that maybe moves around and sucks up the colorful beats...or something...


8th December 2002 05:20 UTC

damn preview post thingy left out the file!

10th December 2002 01:11 UTC

Atom... bah looks nothing like a real atom !!
thats an atom all right, a solar systemic interpretation of and atom It was a great way of imagining an atom back in the 18th century...

Nahhhhh ! I'm not having a go at ya mate.. I just wanna show ya my atom it uses nothing but a couple of SSC's using some dodgy rotational matrix that I've been using to all different uses except the one I've been trying for. So I use it cange it and it changes into something completly different. But it has interesting results sometimes.

Imagine a Carbon atom attached to four other carbon atoms in an organic molecule all sharing their electrons... oh yumm I've got wood. :up:

This is also a preview to what my AVS pack might contain ((ass I said this is JUST a couple of SSC's) not an actual finnished preset)


10th December 2002 02:01 UTC

The 'challenge' was to make a more classical representation of an atom.
Looked at yours...hmmm...doesn't seem atomish to me.

10th December 2002 03:29 UTC

Then again I would be suprised if a superscope on its own atomished anyone.. Allthough I'm sure mine is more accurate to a "real' atom bonded to four others

you know I'd be happy to challenge ya on this one Bro .. one junior member to another ..

This thread Will be know as the "Atomic thread" The One to make an Atom AVS best as judged by a to be announced pannel of judges will win the coveted prize of ....

being really good

and a cheque for 100 million dollars proudly donated by my false bouncing cheque account ...


10th December 2002 06:30 UTC

Here's the original thread the whole atom thing started with:

There's a few there that people did. Some cool. Some not so...
I'm personally done with it.

11th December 2002 05:11 UTC

Spose your right... Oh well, It's coool I'll just keep working on my to be packed presets. I'll use the time that way, no harm done..

Chillness dude..


11th December 2002 06:20 UTC

how about that black hole?

11th December 2002 07:39 UTC

Black holes SUCK!
Yeah sounds good... give it a whirl I reckon, I got a couple things that come close but I'll work on one to get it happenin.. U 2?

11th December 2002 15:13 UTC

It'll pass the time...