Archive: Help Needed Pls.

5th December 2002 15:15 UTC

Help Needed Pls.
Good Morning,
First off, i read the FAQ:

((To view these presets, start AVS like any other plug-in and right-click the display. You can then choose from all the presets installed.))

But i still don't understand. I looked under every menu option on win amp and don't see one for avs? So i tried the visulation menu and clicked start stop, configue, select plugin but no AVS, just my visulations i downloaded. I also downloaded allot of avs to the plugins/avs directory but don't know how to start them. Can someone help an old man out pls. Basic terms. Thanks.

5th December 2002 16:42 UTC

Well AVS stands for Advanced Visualization Studio.

In winamp3 click the main menu button (in upperleft corner) and choose: "Windows -> Visualization Studio" or click AVS in the "thinger".

In winamp2 go to "Preferences -> Plugins -> Visualization" (ctrl+k), choose "Advanced Visualization Studio" and press start.

But if you still can't find it, then there is the possibility that you have either downloaded Winamp 2 LITE version which doesn't come with AVS, or it might be that when you have installed winamp (either 2 or 3) you haven't installed AVS with it (it can be selected wheter or not it is to be installed)

So check out do you have the Advanced Visualizations Studio, if not, install winamp again and make sure you install avs with it :)