Archive: Whacko AVS VI

29th November 2002 21:51 UTC

Whacko AVS VI
Grab it from the usual places...

Comments are always appreciated ;)

30th November 2002 00:29 UTC


Too good damnit.

DAMN Those APE's are gonna be useful :D

30th November 2002 01:12 UTC

Damn you, I created a Geiss recreation for NDD3! ;) Full review coming soon.

30th November 2002 02:19 UTC

nice apes there big boy ;)

30th November 2002 04:06 UTC

falls on face in worship while rushing to

30th November 2002 04:21 UTC

TOOO COOOOOOLLLL!!!!! I have a question: Does the "Use the force" preset ever show who's shooting at Luke?

You outdid yourself, Steven. Making the AVS window with superscopes & text?!?

30th November 2002 06:45 UTC

Actually, that's pretty easy if you know what you're doing. Now, if he could actually get the current SKINNED window, THAT would kick boo-tay. But unfortunately that's virtually impossible...Oh poozark.

30th November 2002 07:11 UTC

Wow. That's pretty nice stuff there. There were a couple that didn't quite do it for me though. I didn't like Radiant much, but Zero G Maze III and Mission To Mars more than made up for it.

30th November 2002 16:35 UTC

!R!O!C!K! awesome pack all round.

congrats on texer. tis pretty damn nifty.

if we keep it up at this rate no one will use the default avs effects by this time next year (^_^) who needs avs 3 eh?

30th November 2002 23:15 UTC

bug report
I did some experimenting whith colormap.ape and it crashed winamp whith a message:

WINAMP caused an invalid page fault in
module COLORMAP.APE at 0167:03c62597.
EAX=00000008 CS=0167 EIP=03c62597 EFLGS=00210287
EBX=03c84240 SS=016f ESP=0439f238 EBP=0439f260
ECX=03ca4444 DS=016f ESI=03c86444 FS=4eef
EDX=00400080 ES=016f EDI=fffe0000 GS=4f36
Bytes at CS:EIP:
8b 01 89 55 e4 89 45 ec 8b 45 fc 8b d0 c1 e0 10
Stack dump:
03c6d208 00000000 02390bc0 00000000 0000a9a8 00000000 00000000 00000000 0000a9a8 00000008 0439f2bc 01e3df28 0439f668 00000100 03e90010 03eba6c0

Preset is attached but I dont think anyone will want to download that. Could the problem be that im using W2?

30th November 2002 23:56 UTC

I can't debug it here but I'll do it first thing sunday evening... not sure what the error is, it looks pretty normal. You can still watch all the different color maps while the error dialog is showing, so it can't be too messed up.

1st December 2002 03:09 UTC

Four words.


Downloading it now...Will edit post with review.


1 - Intro: Nice visuals, only you lose the discs when they go off the screen. 4.5/5

2 - Space Rings: Very nice, but...*falls on floor seizing* 4.0/5

3 - Jello Cube: Does that come in Lime or Grape? 5.0/5

4 - Radiant: Very nice, but not your greatest work. Bottom of the barrel maybe? 3.7/5

5 - Physhotropic Butterfly: Big name, big boasts. Only problem: See 2. 4.4/5

6 - Mission to Mars: Best in the pack. 5.5/5

7 - Milkyway II: Better than Milkyway. I like! I'd like more stars though. 4.8/5

8 - Retrosquares: Erm...Hypnotic but boring. 4.1/5

9 - Containment: DIE BUG! Oh wait, I returned Metroid Prime already. Sweet. 5.0/5

10 - Use the Force: Very nice, but goes through walls and pillars. Sometimes leaves canyon and sight. sometimes goes into the floor of the canyon. 4.3/5

11 - Microscopic Metablobs: Very nice! This should be called "Radioactive Metablobs" but that could be in the works already for 7...if there is a 7. 5.0/5

12 - Zero G Maze III: Ugh. It chooses it as soon as it leaves the tunnel. BORING! And Circle? Okay, something other than a square as it's predecessor (sp?). More tech involved. 4.8/5

13 - Circut City: Very nice! too bad there's only Four different objects in the scene, but they look nice. Hi-qual. 5.0/5

14 - Intergalactic Octopus: Nicely done, second best in pack. 5.2/5

15 - Strange Recursion: Just as the name suggests. Veru strange. 3.8/5

Overview: Well made pack, Very techical, but running low on high-quality ideas. 5.02/5 Average, My call 4.99/5

Btw, it installed a few new fonts in my machine, but I didn't see them used in the packs. WTF?

1st December 2002 04:24 UTC

Quick reply because IE just crashed and I lost my big post which I don't feel like typing again...

- The font is used in the intro (Eurostile). It installs both the bold and normal version of it.

- I think the presets are still pretty non-epileptic, but you could always add motion blur if you wanted. Oh and changing the buffer-restore in psychobutterfly from XOR to Additive makes it a lot smoother.

- Jello Cube: add channelshift for more different colours :)

- Radiant: strange, no-one seems to like this preset. I love it :weird:

- Use the force: the ship isn't supposed to hit things but the prediction isn't perfect. It can't be going inside the floor, it's probably the non-perspectiveness of 3D DM's that's screwing up the perspective up close. Making presets like this is not easy... can't believe you gave it less than psychobutterly btw.

- Circuit City: actually there are 5 objects and variations of chips (pins on 4 sides or pins on 2 sides). Adding more would add more slowdown.

Thanks for doing a preset by preset review! You seem to have forgot geisser though... :rolleyes:

1st December 2002 12:57 UTC

... Dude ...

// ;-c is speechless now. \\

1st December 2002 14:00 UTC

Should I try to get as good as Steven or should I stop AVSing right now because that's impossible?!

Could I have Luke flying over Tattooine? Or do I have to combine 'Mission to Mars' and 'Use the Force' on my own? But I guess it'll be too slow?

CU in Goa

1st December 2002 21:17 UTC

I forgot the geiss one but I don't want to review it since all geiss ones are all the same: A superscope in multiple forms (Circle, square, two lines, etc.) with a colorfade blur. The blurs are different, the shapes are different, but they're all basically the same.

UTF was scored less than butterfly because of technicalities (i.e. camera and ship going into the canyon bottom)

1st December 2002 21:44 UTC

Well the camera and ship *can't* go into the bottom... their vertical position is limited by a max() statement. Perspective can look weird from up close, because DM's weren't made for 3D.

1st December 2002 22:07 UTC

Well the camera actually "Sticks" to the bottom of the canyon. I don't know why, but it just does. It goes a touch under and sticks there. I think that max() vars are for the top and maybe min() vars are for the bottom...

1st December 2002 22:45 UTC

Well actually no...

If you want a value to stay above a certain other, you use: max(limit,value); At the bottom, we want the y coordinate to stay above the plane's y coordinate, so we have: y=max(yplane,yship); (not literal code).

Here's the code for the camera (capped at -0.29)


And here's the code for the floor:


As you can see, the plane has the equation y=-0.3 (don't mind the opposed signs, it's because of an optimization)

1st December 2002 23:28 UTC


Again in plain english?

Anyways, it does what I saw it do.

2nd December 2002 00:17 UTC

UC: Can I use one of your textures for a preset I'm working on, namely WAVS6-03?

2nd December 2002 00:35 UTC

Sure, but it's just a linear gradient like you could create with any paint program :). The slope of the gradient matters a lot by the way... if you change it using gamma correction, you can get different results.

2nd December 2002 01:51 UTC

Thanks. ::will create his own in future::

2nd December 2002 11:14 UTC

You know my computer suddenly morphed got up from his spot on my desk and kissed me for installing your presets


Retro Squares, Containment,:eek: Microscopic Meta Blobs:eek:, Zero-g Maze III and Strange recursion is ingenious.


All I need now is a digital Projector, can anyone lend me 3 grand for a couple of weeks:rolleyes:


3rd December 2002 00:44 UTC

I just wan't to add somethings quick:

1.) I liked radiant, I thought it was really good, maybe not the technical complexity that we are all used to in Whacko AVS, but it looks great.
2.) I hate space rings, its the token crap preset of the pack in my mind. Sorry dude.
3.) One day I will equal your technical skill UnConeD... one day.

(No I'm not bitter and writhing in jealousy over how relatively crap my code is...not at all, never, nope.)


3rd December 2002 07:34 UTC

Am I the only one who really liked all the texers? :igor:

BTW, you need to fix the little + in the upper-left hand corner of the AVS window in Strange Recursion

3rd December 2002 07:45 UTC

I LOVE the texer APE and the texer presets! I think that flying octopussy in space preset (what ever the name was i can't remember ;)) was the best preset in the pack!

3rd December 2002 09:19 UTC

waaaah, nice pack steven! i was using the texer ape yesterday, but closed winamp since i wasnt too motivated to create presets. when i opened it again (with avs-window), the simple preset using the texer ape made winamp (v2.81) crash. i had to delete the vis_avs.dat, but i havnt tried to reproduce this bug (?). will keep you updated on this matter.

Originally posted by UnConeD
The font is used in the intro (Eurostile). It installs both the bold and normal version of it.
how come you are spreading a copyrighted font without permission? each version of the Eurostile font costs US $21.

just letting you know before you get into trouble!

3rd December 2002 09:57 UTC

as usual an awsome pack :D. My favorites are
Mision to mars (the best preset in the pack ),
Intro (one thing tho why is the text so big),
Z.G. maze (circular tunnels are better),
circuit board (the chips sometimes cross each other, not good:) ,but probably hard to do otherwise),
the contained thingie (great use of DMs, love it),
the starfish thingie (damn you and those tentacles :D, great one especialy the streched starfiled-great idea) ,
yello cube (like it a lot, all of it. have a sugestion here :could you make it so that difrent sounds deform it diferently-low freq. make it rounder, high freq. make it spikyer?).

And those APEs are the best thing that happend to AVS since v2.5 great work.
(ok the convolution filter was nice to:P)

And I was also wondering about the font thingie.?

3rd December 2002 10:40 UTC

I hoped that I can use the texer to have different flying pics. Unfortunatly it didn't work out. Is there any documentation available for the texer? Are my following observations correct?

- every drawn pixel is replaced by the image selected n texer => you must 'clear every frame' as otherwise all pixel are calculated again :(

- it's impossible to link certain Superscopes to special texers, e.g. first SuperScope gives a sun, second a moon, third a face, while the rest is used as normal to draw lines. :(

Do you think it's possible to have a real combination of SuperScope and an associated image? I might have an idea, but I can't program APEs (whatever they are).


3rd December 2002 12:10 UTC

Diesto: You can link certain Superscopes to special texers using effect lists or/and buffer saves.

I have a sugestion for texer. It would be really cool if it could use avs buffer source as a texture except a bmp. This schouldnt be hard to do - Cfp used something like this in his videodelay.ape so you could just copy part of code from there.

btw I found out what coused that crash whith colormap. Its using on beat random whith only one map enabeled.

3rd December 2002 13:10 UTC

CFP used his own buffers, not avs's, because they are inaccessible to APEs.


There could be a 'Texer Buffer Save' APE, which saves the frame to a buffer the normal texer could access.

3rd December 2002 14:29 UTC

Stupid fonts licensing thingies. I got a mail from the people from URW asking me where I got the license too.

If the font ended up on my harddrive and it's not made by MS/Monotype then I assume I downloaded it from somewhere for free :P. I sure as hell didn't pay $21 for it.

Expect an updated version without Eurostile, unless I can arrange something.

By the way, you can just use multiple instances of the texer in separate effect lists... if you set it to one particle and draw one dot using a SSC, you shouldn't get too much of a slowdown.

3rd December 2002 16:57 UTC

Whey, the font-licensing issues are over. The friendly people at URW++ granted me a sponsored license for Eurostile, in return for a short mention of them in the readme file. Check their Website if you're interested in fonts, they're really friendly as opposed to most companies that have anything to do with copyright :rolleyes:.

I submitted an updated version with the new info, in case you're wondering why it's disappeared from again.

4th December 2002 07:41 UTC

hey Uncloned thanks 4 the great AVS packs. Been really helpful in making my own. and new ape's a good also

4th December 2002 11:07 UTC

Originally posted by EnDurA
hey Uncloned thanks 4 the great AVS packs. Been really helpful in making my own. and new ape's a good also
Oh my God. "Uncloned"! That's the funniest damn thing I've ever heard! Roofles!!!

No offence EnDurA but I found that irritatingly cute. :D

4th December 2002 19:00 UTC

just great

4th December 2002 22:33 UTC

hmmm yeah
need 2 suck up some time...:p

4th December 2002 22:48 UTC

it was a typo!:mad:

5th December 2002 10:49 UTC

Hey man, there's no reason to get up in arms, okay? I just thought it was funny. :)

6th December 2002 06:00 UTC


Uncloned... haha:p

6th December 2002 10:23 UTC

I hope for Steven's sake that he isn't !!! :D

6th December 2002 16:19 UTC

Unless things have changes since this thread, he isn't.

Man, where do the people go? Haven seen some of those guys in ages.

7th December 2002 02:56 UTC

Coned...I isolated the glitch. Take a lookie at the screenie. Those colored bars I assume are the "Bottom of the canyon" correct?

7th December 2002 03:09 UTC

Fix them glitches
Here's a book that might help you UnConeD with your Death Star Engineering writen by the angst man himself..


7th December 2002 03:12 UTC

Here's another for anyone wishing to take "Use the Force" for a spin.


7th December 2002 03:34 UTC

Um Xion... the camera is still above the floor. If it weren't, the bottom row of glowing lights wouldn't go from center to bottom-left/bottom-right, but they would point slightly upwards on the outside. The camera is very *close* to the bottom, but it's not below it. If it were, you'd see nothing but the floor and not the sides of the canyon (plus any superscopes of course).

Since the glowing lights represent the sides, there's nothing wrong with the perspective and I have no idea why you're complaining. And I already said that if it bothers you, you can edit the -0.29 value to something closer to zero in the DM code.

7th December 2002 03:39 UTC

not to mention you'd get ripped into little bits and have cleaner droids have to clean up bits of your brains, after you yell "ahhhhhh I'm going down"


7th December 2002 19:28 UTC

ahh okie...But still it does go down there and STICKS to the bottom. Watch the preset for a while and you may see what I'm talking about.

8th December 2002 01:43 UTC

And how is that a bug? The camera's movement goes below the floor before being clipped, which causes it to 'stick' to the bottom. I thought it was neat. You can fix this by tweaking 'oy' if you want.

8th December 2002 22:54 UTC

Yeah, I thought it was a lot better than having it 'bounce back' or never follow the bottom.

Bug means a serious problem recognisable to all, not a flaw from the perspective of a select group/one person.