Archive: AVS Confusion

21st November 2002 00:32 UTC

AVS Confusion
I have what's probably a stupid question; I know that AVS will only loop presets from one folder at a time. I do not know, however, how to change which folder it loops from o_O
If anyone can help me out here, I'd appreciate it. There was a whyeye preset that crashed my winamp everytime, so I just deleted the folder and now I have to manually select a single preset, that doesn't change until I do it again. WHeeee

21st November 2002 00:37 UTC

Sorry. I've been fooling with it for half an hour, and as soon as I psoted this topic I figured it out; I don't guess I can close or delete this myself, so I apologize for the inconvenience, and leave the chores to the moderator :p

22nd November 2002 00:53 UTC

Well, at least you actually asked, then kept fiddling with it, instead of going 'HELP PLZ!!! AVS NOT WERKIN!!! TX IN ADVANS!!!' then waiting in trigger-happy mode refreshing your thread every ten seconds to see if someone answered ;)
Welcome to the forums :)