Archive: Beat detection

19th November 2002 01:03 UTC

Beat detection
What is the difference between the Advanced and Basic (or standard or whatever) in the beat detection window? Which works better?

19th November 2002 04:02 UTC

Standard beat detection simply registers a beat when the volume goes above a certain level. Advanced beat detection takes the standard beats and predicts where the next beat *should* be. Advanced works well with music with very strong beats (techno, trance, dance, house), but otherwise it can get quite off and you'd be better off using standard.

20th November 2002 01:40 UTC

Thanks...maybe an improvement in Winamp would be the ability to set for every song whichever works best...

20th November 2002 18:35 UTC

Well, that'd kind of have to be like the auto-equalizer setting, you'd have to have an extra db on the hdd, and you couldn't change your filenames.