Archive: begging for the help of avs artists...

3rd November 2002 19:52 UTC

begging for the help of avs artists...
hey guys, anyone out there [avs artists] who can help me. You see, i want to make visualizations but i dont know where to start. can you send me a list of websites where i can download programs which you are using that will help me in creating visualizations?

Im only a newbie you see. Please send me too a manual in making visualizations. A personal tip will greatly help too. Thanks a lot guys. More presets and more power to you guys.

Please email me at :)

16th November 2002 18:15 UTC

There are no programs I know of to assist in making AVSs.
Usually it is best to start simple w/ pre-made superscopes, the simple, ring, and pre-defined movements. If you look under "develop" on the tabs at the top of the page, it offers some help. Look at examples given in the AVS window (newpicks for Winamp 2.x, Nullsoft for 3.x), or download other presets. If you search through the forums, there are small guides to certain things (i.e. 3d superscopes)

Good luck

17th November 2002 04:04 UTC

All of the best AVS artists have learned for themselves for the most part. Once you figure out the basics for yourself then we'll be able to give you help and advice on specific things and share our tricks and cheats with you. You will have to figure out the basics for yourself though, they are to simple to really explain without feeling patronising.

Also, a word of warning, posts like this really annoy some people around here... i.e. we don't all have tons of spare time available to teach someone how to make AVS presets.

17th November 2002 08:24 UTC

Yeah, you got lucky this time, but fear it, for it will come. In the mean time, here's a stock post.

You've just posted a frequently asked question. The answer can be found in the FAQ (link) or by searching the forums (click "Search the forums" at the top).

We do this all in our spare time, so we're trying our best to avoid unnecessary posts like yours. If you're a new user, welcome to these forums. Feel free to ask other questions, but please take five minutes of your time to make sure it hasn't been asked before: that way you don't have to wait for someone else to answer it, because the answer is already out there...

The AVS forum regulars.