1st November 2002 18:08 UTC
Check These Out...
This zip file contains about 50 AVS presets. They are relatively simple, but great eye-candy, and easy to manipulate (none have the usual 30 lines of math...)
PS-I like mirrors...
Archive: Check These Out...
1st November 2002 18:08 UTC
Check These Out...
This zip file contains about 50 AVS presets. They are relatively simple, but great eye-candy, and easy to manipulate (none have the usual 30 lines of math...)
PS-I like mirrors...
1st November 2002 19:31 UTC
That's a decent amount of presets there. My big beef though is that they're all static.
It's typical when you're starting out to make presets like that and say "Hey, you don't need all that code". The problem with that is the you can only do so much with the predefined stuff, and in the end a lot of them look the same.
Coding lets you do new and interesting things, even remeke most standard movements and scopes into something cooler.
Nothing wrong with noob presets though. We've all been there. :)
2nd November 2002 03:56 UTC
Static? Maybe so, but admit it...they look good! Yeah, yeah, I know some are somewhat similar...
2nd November 2002 13:54 UTC
Originally posted by crisshadnickDon't get cocky, those effects are old and tired and a lot of the presets are ugly compared to what the more experienced avsers can make without using code. Code isn't everything but it sure does help a lot. I agree with what Jaheckelsafar said but I would also add that code lets you do what you want in AVS, ie. if you have a really cool idea for an AVS preset it isn't likely to be impossible with code.
but admit it...they look good
Warrior of the Light
2nd November 2002 14:07 UTC
Nic01 's giving a nice tutorial for starting coders. I know it's a lot of text to read, but is WELL worth it:
2nd November 2002 17:35 UTC
It's just that I've seen SO many of the elaborate, complex presets that although do create interesting things, don't seem to have much reaction with the music. I don't see the point of that in this arena.
But, true, in looking back I see that there are a few in the collection that shouldn't have been included...weren't done or something. Will keep trying!
2nd November 2002 22:31 UTC
I personally don't think that avs is all about reacting to the music. For me its a challenge, to make something complex and visaully impressive whilst getting a high framerate and possibly even converting maths to art. Obviously reactivity is a bonus, but sometimes its hard to make something go to the music.
3rd November 2002 03:46 UTC
Um...what does 'avs' stand for again?
The challenge to create some new and interesting effect, that's exactly what I figured. I'll give credit where credit is due of course, many of you have come up with amazing stuff...but...for a different purpose obviously than visuals that are intended to go along with music. One man's opinion.
Take your minds off this for a while, and go rant about idiot drivers...
Vent Here
3rd November 2002 05:34 UTC
Hey man, it's all about showing off. :D :p
3rd November 2002 12:26 UTC
I think you got it in one Jaheckelsafar. :p
3rd November 2002 15:06 UTC
From the about window.
Advanced Visualisation Studio
What we (at Nullsoft) use to (try to) get chicks at parties.
3rd November 2002 15:44 UTC
ok, ok...but tell me this: is it important to press 'play' on winamp before creating?
3rd November 2002 16:23 UTC
Er... yes.
Warrior of the Light
3rd November 2002 21:47 UTC
:igor: that's VERY important indeed...
Most of the presets we make are beat-controlled. When AVS detects a beat (all built-in), you can make AVS start or stop zooming in or out or do... whatever you tell it to do. You also can add spectrums or oscilloscopes that reflect the music. Without it, a preset can become pretty boring.
4th November 2002 02:13 UTC
Yeah, try that on Nuclear warfare wrom whacko AVS IV and it'll be a pretty boring show. Little slowly moving white dots can only sustain you for so long. :)
4th November 2002 05:01 UTC
You guys are cracking me up now...should I press play! stop it, I'm falling out of my chair...
Wait, are you sure? press play first, right?
4th November 2002 05:16 UTC
It's not necessary, but don't expect kickass preset(s).
Heck :
Why to press play before starting :
-There is absolutely no input other than frames and pixel/point.
-All your scopes are belong to--- Err, I mean, all your scopes will be either limping or showing no signs of life. No, CPR won't save it.
-You moving particles won't be moving.
-All Render/Simple will do is showing you a more frame-intensive version of x=i*2-1;y=0 (Or 0.5 or -0.5);
-AVS is originally made to make visualizations that reflect the music in a way. Not playing the music defeats the original purpose, don't it?
Or, put in short : Just press "play". It's "x" on your keyboard.
But then, you can press play after you start, too.
4th November 2002 06:13 UTC
I feel silly having to explain this...but that was sarcasm with the whole 'press play before creating' stuff...I always play good, strong-beat stuff while playing with avs.
Anyway, I'll try harder...both with my complexity and humor...
(nic01~your help is always appreciated)
4th November 2002 19:53 UTC
Originally posted by jherikoI should have added 'well' on the end.
sometimes its hard to make something go to the music.
4th November 2002 20:50 UTC
I feel silly having to explain this...but that was sarcasm with the whole 'press play before creating' stuff.Well we don't mind sarcasm here, but we've kind of gotten used to answering the most silly questions here... try using smileys next time :p
5th November 2002 01:24 UTC
5th November 2002 04:57 UTC
Just two presets here. One I think is fun, and one that is interactive...(if you want)...put out the fire in some cool way, and send it back...
5th November 2002 08:14 UTC
Also check out my AVS Primer, available somewhere at http://atero.deviantart.com/deviations/
BTW, Jheriko, you're one to talk about being cocky :hang:
5th November 2002 19:22 UTC
Originally posted by AteroMe? Cocky??? Nah....
BTW, Jheriko, you're one to talk about being cocky :hang:
6th November 2002 01:17 UTC
1: Not that good
2: Really friggin slow
3: You fergot the picture, dumbshit
4: Your code could be greatly optimized
5: The preset in general could be greatly optimized
Et cetera ad nauseum. ;)
6th November 2002 04:59 UTC
agreed. and this from a noob.:D
6th November 2002 19:12 UTC
You weren't meant to download that. :p
That made me laugh because *now* I spend hours optimising my presets after I make them, sometimes dragging a 10fps behemoth all the way up to 20fps.
4: Your code could be greatly optimized
5: The preset in general could be greatly optimized
7th November 2002 02:10 UTC
20 fps? If that's about what presets should be viewed at, than my earlier comments about the complex ones not reacting to the music much needs to be taken back. Maybe my computer is just a POS...
7th November 2002 22:46 UTC
What computer do you have?
Firstly. AVS is really only runable in resolutions like 400x300 and 320x240 without it being really slow or really low-res.
Secondly. Even if your computer is a POS you can enjoy these presets. These are optimised massively (and also a bit noobish).
Try turning off 'wait for retrace' when running in a window, you may even get more than 100 fps in average window sizes. These are designed for 640x480+ though.
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