Archive: After reading n00b questions...

31st October 2002 00:24 UTC

After reading n00b questions...
I have deduced that AVS currently installs with the random preset switcher on by default. The next AVS should definitely come with it off. Kills two birds with one stone:

1. n00bs are happy.
2. We wouldn't have to stomach disgruntled veterans. :p

31st October 2002 00:34 UTC

Even better would be a 'Help' menu in the AVS window with a comprehensive (for a newbie at least) help file. That isn't even hard to add if AVS is made with MSVC++ (which it most likely is), the hardest bit would be writing the help file.

I digressed horrribly. NDD, you've got a good idea there, autoswitch presets is crap. Especially since by default it switches through them all. How many shit presets come with winamp (2 and 3)?

31st October 2002 01:57 UTC

The help file has been written by several people (including me). Nullsoft just needs to compile them and clear things up, then add it into the new AVS when (and if) it (ever) comes out.

31st October 2002 09:43 UTC

What good is it to turn it out by default when some installers turn it back on? Example Yathosho's packs and Avsociety packs all do this (ok i haven't checked them ALL but im 96.75691732% sure)

The help file would be useful, but some people don't even know how to open the goddamn editor! It's a lose-lose situation... Just buy some medicine for your stomach :D

4th November 2002 05:55 UTC

When you click the window it says 'Double-Click for configuration' :igor:

6th November 2002 08:23 UTC

Zevensoft: Think n00bish :D
I don't think that the first thing that comes into a newbies head is to click the avs window... i mean why are we then getting these forum posts if it is so easy to open the editor and change the options? :igor: