Archive: Mocha

29th October 2002 02:43 UTC

Mocha check out Mocha its a plugin similar to AVS.. It has alot more operators (I think) worth a look.

29th October 2002 05:26 UTC

Jesus Christ this sucks!

1: Help opens in the browser window closest to the top (BIG no no)
2: Edit console not nearly as user friendly as AVS's
3: Control console ""
4: Default presets are even more boring than AVS's
5: Mocha:AVS::MacOS:Windows, in that Mocha may be better but AVS is still more widely used/developed for (so developers will get better criticism and 'mere mortals' will get a bigger variety of presets).
6: There's no 'hard' render (this pixel = this color, instead of this pixel = the color of that pixel over there plus a little bit of the color of this pixel here...) that I can find.
7: Is it just me, or is this thing hella slow, considering how little code it is processing?

The list goes on. There's no worth in going to that site guys, it's a waste of time.

29th October 2002 13:18 UTC

Looked at it a while ago. Not my cup of tea. Look through supplied benes though. You may see a name that's familiar. He could give a better review.

29th October 2002 13:45 UTC

Mocha is three years old or something and it ruled back then. Now AVS is a lot better :). /me did a lot of mocha presets :)

Mocha had a lot of things that AVS doesn't even have, partially because the guy who developed it usually implemented suggestions pretty fast:
- Native Hue/Sat/Lum support
- Bitshifting operators
- Syntax highlighting

Plus it has the ability to auto-remix presets (mutations). Though this can produce some really neat results, it also resulted in some totally unskilled people getting their 'über-leet' presets published, even though all they did was let it mutate until it looked cool.

I'm sure there's more, but I can't remember out of the top of my head. Just because something is not AVS, it can still be good Atero :P. Just like Geiss isn't spectacular today, or Chtuga.

29th October 2002 21:33 UTC

UnConeD: Thankyou :)
There is a Geiss2 beta on (click the homepage then whats new) and Monkey is on also.

30th October 2002 02:37 UTC

Didn't say it sux because it's not AVS. I said it's not very useful in the long run because it's not very useful in the long run - like macs.

30th October 2002 03:39 UTC

like macs.

31st October 2002 09:35 UTC

Personally i think it sounds interesting although i haven't checked it out... yet :)

Can someone give links to mocha sites? (like where to publish presets)
Im at school and my time is limited, also im a bit lazy to find out myself :D (please don't hate me! *runs for cover from the flying knifes*)

But plugins like Acidspunk (the only one i have actually checked out besides avs, if we don't count women that jump up&down in tight shirts) that are totally un-cus-to-mi-ze-ble (phuck, is it how you spell it?) are a big no no :down: Sure you can get incredible framerates, but they get old really fast /me thinks.

Long Live AVS!

uhm... was this just slightly off topic? :p

Anyway, mocha sounds interesting and i want to check it out.

31st October 2002 11:07 UTC

Re: Mocha

Originally posted by idiot24-7 check out Mocha its a plugin similar to AVS.. It has alot more operators (I think) worth a look.
From the original message. :p

31st October 2002 13:34 UTC

I ment any other site than that ;)

but if there isn't... Well it is 3 years old... i thought there would be atleast one site with a mocha section or anything... Well no can do then.

1st November 2002 21:11 UTC

Tuggummi: If acidspunk and AVS are the only cusomizable plugins you have seen (I know this may get me beat up or somthing around here) but Milkdrop is another plugin you can code presets for.

1st November 2002 23:25 UTC

Tuggummi: Isnt acidpunk a preset you did? You are talking like it was another visual plugin.
Mocha presets look ok and Milkdrop is cool but ill stick whith AVS.

2nd November 2002 14:18 UTC

WhiteCap allowed you to do presets as well... there are some very cool effects in there :).

2nd November 2002 16:37 UTC

I remember whitecap, that was neat-o.

Isn't there some kind of whitecap APE or SVP or something? I seem to remember seeing it somewhere.

4th November 2002 18:00 UTC

Sorry folks been away for a bit and in an internet cafe at the mo so being quick.

MOcha is awful.:)

4th November 2002 18:47 UTC

Well both AVS and Milkdrop whoop Mocha's ass, but nevertheless it was a neat plug-in :).

In fact, a Mocha-ape (i.e. per-pixel formula) would be really cool for AVS. Perhaps with a variable grid size so that it renders at half/quarter/etc resolution for speedup reasons.

*added to personal todo list*

6th November 2002 08:54 UTC

nixa, no Acidspunk is a plugin for wa2 i believe it is still in the most downloaded list at and you can't customize it like avs, only choose a resolution or something like that (hey it was a long time ago i checked it...) And the preset was "Techno Punk" and yes i kind of got the name from acidspunk :p

And i don't think i will ever test milkdrop with the computer i have...