Archive: streaming visualizations ...

23rd October 2002 08:02 UTC

streaming visualizations ...
Im not really sure where to put those so ill plop it here .... I throw rave like parties and have always been a fan of running winamp using plugins like geiss outputting to lcd projectors. I would love to see something that could allow one visualization plugin run for x amount of time and then seamlessly fade into or hell even cut to another visual plugin ... that would be amazingly handy ...

Also is there anyone out there who uses winamps to throw anything like a rave?? If so how?


23rd October 2002 08:35 UTC

Well, there is question 10 the sticky FAQ, but you probably want a video crossfader.

23rd October 2002 09:43 UTC

OK, you can either...

A) Use AVS's built in transition and preset cycle function

B) Use Milkdrop (Boo Hiss)

23rd October 2002 12:42 UTC

better on lcd projector !!!!
check out my presets manager, maybe it can help you:

someone reported to me that avs playlister don't work with WA3, I'll try to correct that soon, in the meaning time use WA2 :)