Archive: Kaleidopak submitted!

22nd October 2002 19:28 UTC

Kaleidopak submitted!
Yes, friends, my second AVS pack, entitled Kaleidopak, is ready for action! It's been uploaded to my to see if it gets published!

I hope that those who downloaded my first pack, "Transitions", liked it, as I found it to be a good pack of visualizations myself - then again, I would - I made them, didn't I?

Um...that's all I can think of to say, a nice day?

*plays REM - It's The End Of The World As We Know It*

29th October 2002 22:23 UTC

It makes more sense to publish something like this when the pack has been published. No one cares if it has been submitted, we want to download it and junk.

29th October 2002 22:46 UTC

a) Attach it to your post (though I believe you can't attach when editing, unless there was an attachment in the first place: you'll have to reply)
b) Post it to an instant-publishing site (e.g. deviantart)

Kind of pointless to say "My pack is done!" when we can't look at it, right? ;)

30th October 2002 03:23 UTC

Then...why did you reply in the first place?

30th October 2002 08:54 UTC

Then...why did you reply in the first place?
Why do you ask that? :D

wheeeeee a cheap & easy way to increase forum posts! :p

But why post something like this in the first place? Do you think we will monitor the new components list and wait until your pack shows up in it? :rolleyes:

30th October 2002 12:10 UTC

Atero: yes, but why did you?

31st October 2002 01:55 UTC

yes, but why did you (post again)?

and so on



oh well

31st October 2002 19:11 UTC

Shall I join in?

I can use them.. after all, i just crossed 50 :D ;)

14th November 2002 10:10 UTC

why not it is good for your post's

14th November 2002 18:33 UTC

wtf are you babbling about nobady

14th November 2002 19:25 UTC

joining in of coarse
what ells

14th November 2002 23:18 UTC

i still have no idea what you're talking more specific
you never answered nic's question, is english not your first language?

15th November 2002 09:07 UTC

Joining in this discussion is good for your posts.
Ant yes English is my 2end language.
This discussion is also good for your posts.

15th November 2002 09:16 UTC

Nobady is Dutch

We're in the same class at school (i kinda got him into the winamp community)

but Nobady, as i will call you now, it doesn't really matter how many post you have... okay, it looks cool, but having 100,000 posts doesn't make you a better man than having only one... it's what you saying in your posts that counts.

And no, English isn't your strongest point, but i suppose everybody must have noticed that by now.. (He's sitting right next to me now)

15th November 2002 14:46 UTC

My point was that you shouldn't just make 4 short posts in the space of ten minutes, replying to one post at a time.

15th November 2002 16:22 UTC

That's not really a point of the english language then, that more forum netiquette.

15th November 2002 19:26 UTC

But back to topic...
Clashman are you going to add a link here, attach it or what?
I'd like to see that pack...