17th October 2002 20:51 UTC
decreasing frame draw length
I'm not really sure if the subject does a good job of describing what I want to do, so I'll explain:
I am using the superscope as a timescope for a sound analysis project. Before people state flaming about how the timescope sucks, I'm not trying to make a wild, trippy viz for parties; I am trying to create a visualization that displays the spectral make-up of sound. It's for research, not entertainment.
Anyway, I have got the superscope all set up to draw two voiceprints (one for each channel), and it is working quite well. However, I want the superscope to move across the screen faster so that the sounds aren't so compact and hard to see. I want to draw a given amount of time over a larger number of frames so that the voiceprint is more detailed.
I have tried simple column-skipping, and it really doesn't serve my purposes; it doesn't show me more information, it just puts gaps between the information I have.
Here is my code for one of the superscope-timescopes (it is based on code from http://forums.winamp.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=106531&highlight=timescope]this thread[/URL]):
t=-1; n=1024; p=2/1024;
red=col*i*2; green=col*col; blue=col;
I have designed the viz to run full screen at 1024x768, hence the n=1024 in Init.
If anybody has any questions or suggestions, please don't hesitate to reply!