Archive: help for complex movements..

10th October 2002 21:01 UTC

help for complex movements..
Hi all

i watched any presets and looked like they are go on...
so i think, i was learning anything about avs (including read any Forum posts)
so i began to create any own presets... i think, its good for beginnin, but how can i create movements like in the Whacko, with sin(*) they only go back and forward, but his movements go in various directions...
i could copy his code, but i realy would like, if there is anybody who can explain me, how to do...for me, the codes are to complex to analyse... the preset i made was only made by playing with. but how works maybe UnConeD's Wormhole
and what's the secret to code any camera position (like in Neon Coaster)
i would like to read any explain
if possible, i would like to read it in german, if there is anybody out there who speaks german, because it's better for me to understand.

what i already have learned, you can see in the atached preset..

11th October 2002 05:41 UTC

If you want to rip apart aything of UnConed's right off the bat, I wish you good luck. I'd advise starting smaller. Eveything is made up of small, easy to understand, parts. You just have to break it down enough.

Don't set your sights too high in the beginning. People see stuff and say "Thats neat, can somone tell me how to do it so I can do it?". You can explain 'till you're blue in the face, but they won't get it because they're not at a level to understand what's going on. Do you think you're ready for it?

11th October 2002 21:06 UTC

I don't know shit about DM's, DDM's, and SS's.

12th October 2002 01:14 UTC

Jaheckelsafar: Congratulations on the major dude!

I'm sorry for not congratulating you until now; I've barely been in the forums for a long some time, and when I would check, it'd usually just be for about 5 minutes, which usually meant I could only glance at a couple threads. School's kept me *SOOOO* busy lately. :p

I figure a late congratulations is better than none.

RiseingStar: What math class are you in right now? UnConeD has taken 3-D vector math, and that's what he used in his Neon Coaster. A math genious I know (he was going to a college for his math class in 8th grade) who has also taken 3-D vector math says it's something you don't want to try to learn until you have to. Given that he doesn't know the greatness of AVS, I'd say you'll have to stick with a.) the math class you're taking right now, or b.) check out math books from the library and work your way up to that math level. Expect each book to take a few months at the least, however. It will probably take longer to work the problems depending on how much math you've taken in the past.

My advice if you are having trouble in the advanced stuff at figuring what makes _______ (for instance, the camera angle) do __________ (example: angle changes), work from the beginning and gradually experiment and try to figure out why different things make the visualization change in different ways.

Note that the majority of the people in this forum are nowhere near UnConeD's level (there are always exceptions. Atero knows his math pretty well, too. That reminds me...A good AVS guide is his pack called "AVS Primer." Just look around for tutorials. They may be hard to find, but they're sometimes hidden in a thread that doesn't initially look like a tutorial.) Remember that if the majority of us aren't at the advanced levels, it's probably that we're a.) younger--and therefore haven't taken as advanced of math classes, and b.) we don't have an IQ that's almost off the chart! Don't be too hard on yourself if it seems like you'll never get there. Just try to be "content" where you are (impossible, I know...personal experience), and work hard at getting better. Just go at your own pace. That's my best advice

3rd November 2002 21:31 UTC

Originally posted by Xion(810)
I don't know shit about DM's, DDM's, and SS's.
That helps a shit load Xion, thanks for that wonderous insight into the workings of AVS code.

Originally posted by cmountford)
...who has also taken 3-D vector math says it's something you don't want to try to learn until you have to...
Yeah, some people find vectors hard but they are really simple, its normally down to having a really crap teacher. Its often a lot easier to do things using vector methods that it is to do them with more classical approaches. 3d cartesian co-ordinates are infact just 3d position vectors, you can rotate them around points by multiplying them by the 3d rotation matrix, which is where those 3d rotation forumlae all come from. The same goes for the 3d projection, that is a vector method.

AVS isn't just about maths, if it was all maths then I'd be the greatest AVSer here, thats not true, and that is because you need to use lots of programming techniques and things that you wouldn't ordinarily consider (as a mathematician). A lot of it is also logic and being able to think through an idea and to know what maths you need to use for it.

Hope that helps in someway.

3rd November 2002 23:18 UTC

Lol, I'd like to point out that my IQ is not off the scale, in fact it's quite average, I've just spent a lot of my time on maths and AVSing.

As you didn't give us any info on what grade you're in and what level of math you're at, it's kind of hard to give you advice. In any case, the problems you mentioned ('code any camera position' in the coaster) are just subproblems of the big thing. And don't think that it's 'easy' for me to make these complicated effects: I spend days on single presets.

I suggest you get comfortable with 3D geometry, the analytical way of representing shapes (lines, circles, etc). If you don't know how to mathematically express what you want, it's impossible to code it.

For complicated math stuff, ask Jheriko... though he tends to go into big words often :). I'm pretty good at applied maths, and so is Atero. As said, his 'AVS Primer' should get you started.

In any case, know that there is a strict method behind everything. You'll never do complicated things like 3D by just typing random formulas in the code-window.

Check the AVS faq for a few links, and try Googling around for simple tutorials on 3D. You'll have trouble finding anything related to AVS, but you will find regular programming resources. Most of them don't focus on the actual code, but on the idea behind it.

And don't be scared away when you encounter things you don't understand. Do some more research and/or ask the people around you (or ask here). If you have a good math teacher, he/she should be willing to help you as well. Just don't try to bite off more than you can chew... learning certain math concepts takes time.

5th November 2002 07:58 UTC

I think this post is equivalent to:

"Hey, can someone do all the work for me?"

combined with a bit of:

"Anyone got a magic smart wand they can wave so I can be a genious?"

2nd December 2002 06:29 UTC

Just looking at some of these post's, I tried waving a magic wand at my head .. It was called Salvia Divinorum (dont ask). Jheriko totaly right, I know some real funky math concepts and I've just started looking at Avs implementation. It is a matter of problem solving skills because with all the maths knowlage in the world you still have to be able to understand the AVS platform which odviously takes time. Not to bad, similarities to Maple.



2nd December 2002 21:33 UTC

What the hell is this maple thing i keep hearing about? Is it like mathematica? Or is it some kind of stats software?

3rd December 2002 00:09 UTC

Maple is a mathematics program yes.