Archive: Custom Icon for AVS Packs

7th October 2002 15:18 UTC

Custom Icon for AVS Packs
Here is an icon (And NSIS bitmaps) I designed for AVS. Feel free to use it in your pack installers.

Post your comments.

7th October 2002 21:49 UTC

i like them, and they look really professional (kinda sorta like the new XP icons)

but i dont think i will use them becuase i cant figure out what the hell they are!

(by favorite guess; pac-man)

8th October 2002 01:21 UTC

Please! I can make better!

8th October 2002 03:24 UTC

Actually I like them :). Simple and they fit the Office 2k/XP theme for icons.

I hacked up an AVS preset icon (hope you don't mind) and two registry files to register the file-type on Windows 2K/XP or Windows 9x/ME.

Copy the icon to your Windows folder: it'll only work if your Windows is installed in C:\WINNT (for Win2K/XP) or C:\WINDOWS (for Win9x/ME). Then double-click the correct registry file for your operating system to merge it.

You might need to restart to have it take effect, or modify an existing file type to refresh the system's icon cache.

Tested on Win2K. Can someone test this on Win9x/ME and XP?

8th October 2002 05:09 UTC

Well didn't run it, but the windows dir (default) on my XP machine is c:\windows, not c:\winnt.

8th October 2002 06:55 UTC

UnConeD: There is an 'U' in community, so I don't mind.
J'heklsfa: Open up the registry file in notepad, and change the windows folder manually.

8th October 2002 07:00 UTC

Xion, try not to simultaneously blatantly insult someone AND be an egotistical bastard in the same post. If you don't like the icon, tell him why.

Zevensoft: That's a cool gereral icon, can I use it for (and in) the AVS Resources pack I'm doing?

8th October 2002 07:15 UTC

Quite nice icons, simple yet good.
Although i don't understand why you used "Another pixel" effect in the avs_app.ico :weird: Maybe they fit the office 2000 icons, but since i don't have it or even winXP (which sucks as much as wa3 or even more) i really can't say im dazzled by them.
Good work nevertheless :up:

8th October 2002 08:00 UTC

Atero: Like I said, I don't mind.

Tuggummi: I don't get what you mean by 'Another Pixel'.

8th October 2002 13:18 UTC

Like in avs, you drawed only one pixel and the left the next one empty, like an interleave effect :weird:

8th October 2002 13:30 UTC

Well, it seems to me he did it becuase you are only allowed a certain number of colors (16) and in order to get lighter(or darker) shades of whatever color (green in this case) you have to do this "every other" technique.

Anyway, you can't tell when its zoomed out (unless you run 300x200 resolotion (but than your moniter is proabably green monochrome! :-D)). Therefore, it doesn't really matter.

(there is a huge section of "pixel art" at deviantart, you should check it out, some of it is pretty involved)

8th October 2002 15:09 UTC

I don't know about you, but it looks fine over here. For some reason your system is using the 16 color version of the icon instead of the high-color one. Check the Display -> Effects settings in the control panel.

8th October 2002 16:53 UTC

That and nsis2 can use any size and any color....It looks fine over here, too. Except it should be mauve :p

And I am now a major dude. :cool:

8th October 2002 18:27 UTC

if anyone's requests this, i will put together a set of checkboxes and icons based on this logo. maybe a default splashscreen too.

8th October 2002 19:32 UTC

That'd be great, man :)

8th October 2002 21:48 UTC

congrats on your major dudeism

and custom checkboxes would do nothing but roxor :-D

9th October 2002 05:05 UTC

Congrats Artero. :up:

Now if only you could open an AVS by double-clicking.

9th October 2002 06:03 UTC

I finally found the appropriate thread to congratulate Atero on...
Well done, 500 posts is a big milestone. (i'll be with you in a couple of weeks :P)

Wow. This all seems like it is coming together rather well. Maybe I should go and improve my script so that it registers UnConeD's icon and has a splashscreen (and probably add a ton more functionality). It's always a good thing to have a standardised look about something in my opinion, it makes everything look that little bit more professional.

9th October 2002 08:35 UTC

Well you could probably use NSIS to add the appropriate registry keys, and auto-detect the Windows dir. If your Windows dir is c:\Windows, you can just use the Win98/ME registry file by the way. The only difference is that the 2K/XP one is in Unicode, so you can't do it the other way around.

I'm pretty sure I remember a WinXP installed to WINNT though ;)

9th October 2002 08:47 UTC

NSIS reads Win2k/XP registry keys fine so I'd expect that the respective write functions would work fine too. Finding the windows directory shouldn't be to hard since you can just use the $WINDIR string.

9th October 2002 10:20 UTC

I don't know about you, but it looks fine over here. For some reason your system is using the 16 color version of the icon instead of the high-color one. Check the Display -> Effects settings in the control panel.
For a second i forgot this was Winnt, where the default settings are that they don't use all the colors in the icons :rolleyes: And i thought that if they are avs icons they had to be 16 colors or they wouldn't work on nsis.

9th October 2002 10:44 UTC

I made a simple splash screen following in the Windows/Office 2000/XP direction, its pretty simple and the idea is that you put your pack/preset/whatever name splat in the middle to finish it off.

9th October 2002 11:52 UTC

The splash-screen's green gradient is a bit too flashy for me.

I think the border's not the same width everywhere and it seems the green-yellow-green gradient's not centered correctly? (see what I mean with pixelspotter :))

9th October 2002 11:58 UTC

Damn, I was hoping no one would notice that.

I'm sure yathosho will make a much better one. :)

The top and left of the border are screwed, I think I did something stupid somewhere between finishing the picture and saving it. I only noticed that after I submitted this zip.

9th October 2002 12:11 UTC

Dammit, forgot, tthis used to be my ME machine. Forget what I seaid about the windows dir. Autodetect is a good idea though.

9th October 2002 12:27 UTC

I've added splash screen support to my script now, I'm gonna add those registry keys in a bit and then I'll post it up in the format of a generic script using the zevensoft icon and checkboxes and my avs splash screen (even though the gradient is off centre and the border is fux0red - I'll leave it to the pros next time :P).

To use the splash screen you need the CVS version of NSIS2 (unless you want to just get the advsplash source and compile the dll yourself), which I had a little bit of trouble finding due to the fact that everywhere it is called the CVS version, yet on the website it is called the development snapshot. So heres a link direct to the download to save you any hassle:

9th October 2002 13:56 UTC

Well, I couldn't find a way to use the enabled/disabled pictures in NSIS2, presumably it can only use the 'every checkbox crammed into one bmp' files for checkboxes. (if you have nsis2 just look in the contrib to see what i mean)

Anyway, here is a simple script with splash screen, icon registering and the usual pap. I'll probably tweak it some more later and make it bigger and better. One thing you may want to do is to hide the "AVS Preset Icon" section so that it doesn't come up under install options, to do this just delete the final section and place the code in the '-' section instead. Everything should work, I've tested it on both of my systems under Win2k Pro and Win2k Adv Server but other operating systems may have problems with the registering, but I doubt it, if you find any bugs please tell me about them.

(Requires NSIS2 CVS version - see link above)

Name "Jheriko - 6point5 Minipack"
Icon "avs_app.ico"
OutFile "J 6point5.exe"

Function .onInit

SetOutPath $TEMP
File /oname=spltmp.bmp "avs_splash.bmp"

advsplash::show 1000 600 400 -1 $TEMP\spltmp

Pop $0 ;

Delete $TEMP\spltmp.bmp

StrCpy $9 0

Function .onNextPage

IntOp $9 $9 + 1

IntCmp $9 2 nothing

Goto jump


SectionGetFlags 1 $1

IntCmp $1 1 getwa2path getwa3path getwa2path

ReadRegStr $INSTDIR HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Winamp" "UninstallString"
Goto skippy

ReadRegStr $INSTDIR HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Winamp3" "UninstallString"


StrCpy $1 $INSTDIR
StrCpy $2 $INSTDIR 1 $1
StrCmp $2 "" lpdone
StrCmp $2 "\" lpdone
IntOp $1 $1 - 1
Goto loopy



Function .onPrevPage

IntOp $9 $9 - 1


DirText "Please enter your full Winamp path below."

ComponentText "Please choose the version of Winamp that you wish to install to:"

InstType "Winamp 2"
InstType "Winamp 3"

AutoCloseWindow false
ShowInstDetails show

Section "-"
SectionIn 1 2

Section "6point5 for Winamp 2.x"
SectionIn 1
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\Plugins\AVS"

File "D:\winamp3\wacs\data\avs\multiplier.ape"
File "D:\winamp3\wacs\data\avs\convolution.ape"
File "D:\winamp3\wacs\data\avs\channelshift.ape"

SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\Plugins\AVS\JHERiKO - 6point5"

File "D:\winamp3\wacs\data\avs\New Minipack\*.avs"

Section "6point5 for Winamp 3.x"
SectionIn 2
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\wacs\data\AVS\"

File "D:\winamp3\wacs\data\avs\multiplier.ape"
File "D:\winamp3\wacs\data\avs\convolution.ape"
File "D:\winamp3\wacs\data\avs\channelshift.ape"

SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\wacs\data\AVS\JHERiKO - 6point5"

File "D:\winamp3\wacs\data\avs\New Minipack\*.avs"

Section "AVS Preset Icon"
SectionIn 1 2
SetOutPath $WINDIR

File "D:\avspreset.ico"

WriteRegStr HKCR ".avs" "" "AVSPreset"
WriteRegStr HKCR "AVSPreset" "" "AVS Preset"
WriteRegStr HKCR "AVSPreset\DefaultIcon" "" "$WINDIR\avspreset.ico"

9th October 2002 14:44 UTC

jheriko, couldn't you just copy that nsis code into a txt file and attach that txt to your post?

9th October 2002 15:14 UTC

Attached is what I think is an office style splash.

(And in case you are wondering, the AVS letters are pixel edited from the WINAMP logo.)

9th October 2002 18:35 UTC

The 'AVS' has very blurry edges. Can you clean it up a bit?

Oh by the way Jheriko, suppose this AVS icon gets used by many people, then it'll keep being overwritten every time an AVS pack is installed.

Maybe you should make sure NSIS doesn't pop-up the 'file already exists?' dialog?

I also looked up how to notify Windows to refresh its File Icon cache. I'm not an NSIS expert, but if possible you should call the following Windows API function:


The literal values for those constants are:
#define SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED        0x08000000L
#define SHCNF_IDLIST 0x0000

The function's definition is:
__declspec(dllimport) void WINAPI SHChangeNotify(
LONG wEventId,
UINT uFlags,
LPCVOID dwItem1,

I assume it's located in shell32.dll

9th October 2002 23:25 UTC

Originally posted by Montana
jheriko, couldn't you just copy that nsis code into a txt file and attach that txt to your post?

I never thought of that

11th October 2002 02:04 UTC

damn nabbit jheriko

now i have to go and update all my software, and use a more effiecent code


(seriously; thx for your "NSIS 4 dummys[sic]" :up: )

23rd October 2002 01:09 UTC

i put together some icons myself, the logo being based on zevensofts. regard this more as an warm-up. i finished some document template icons today, i might rework the whole thing tomorrow.

23rd October 2002 01:11 UTC

for those who prefer an installer

ps: since this was more like an unserious attempt, i did not convert the icon for older versions of windows. expect the final version to work in all colormodes :D

23rd October 2002 02:36 UTC

looks nice :up:

i wonder what a NSIS checkbos w/ the circle motif would look like?

25th June 2003 01:03 UTC

new version i made some time ago. zip contains installer for 2000/xp and the icon itself. enjoy!