Archive: How to convert a AVS. file to mpeg.,avi. or mov. file??

30th September 2002 01:05 UTC

How to convert a AVS. file to mpeg.,avi. or mov. file??
hi out in space there...#
is it possible to convert the .avs file to an movie file like mpeg.,avi.,mov.
if there is a programm please tell me thnx !!!

30th September 2002 03:03 UTC

Look at the FAQ, question 8.

30th September 2002 06:56 UTC

It's called a FAQ you dumbass. You got two extremely clear signals: The sticky thread, 'Forum rules/How to find the answers' and the message above your Create New Thread page that said something along the lines of 'Search the forums before posting.' Never go straight out and ask people these kinds of questions if you're new to a forum, as you are. Always assume your question has been asked before, and has been answered in some way before, because if you don't and you do something stupid like this the only thing it gets you is the regulars pissed off at you, and that's not a good thing to do for a first impression. Now go read the fucking FAQ thread before I ban you.

30th September 2002 08:34 UTC

Now go read the fucking FAQ thread before I ban you.
Your not that über-1337 Atero :D :blah:

30th September 2002 09:30 UTC

Originally posted by Atero
Now go read the fucking FAQ thread before I ban you.
Chill down stuart, you're not a mod, so the guy didn't read the faq & he posted like the millionth post about "avs to avi"-question, you don't have to be so rude

1st October 2002 08:09 UTC

It WAS a test of how much he was paying attention :hang: ;)

Tony, I've got no patience for this kind of idiot. If we just let it slide all the time it'll never stop.

1st October 2002 12:21 UTC

Fair enough, but if we are all rude and aggressive towards newcomers then the community will die.

What we need is some kind of string analyser that will tell you if your question has been asked before, when you post a new thread, and then stop it from being posted if it has.

1st October 2002 13:35 UTC

That would be
1. hard to make
2. impose itself on the quasi-free speech we enjoy here at the winamp forums

(i think the former is more of a weight, but thats maybe just cuase im lazy)

1st October 2002 13:55 UTC

I'm against saying 'fuck you dumbass', but I wouldn't post anything more than "Read the FAQ, question 8". He can find the link himself.

In any case, I doubt there's much to do against this. As atero said, there are EXTREMELY clear signals to indicate existing documents. How can you miss the friggin' bold, red text when posting a new topic?

It's a common phenomenon with newbies:
1) They have a problem and see a forum for questions.
2) They register and post their question.
3) They realise it will take a while to get a reply, so they start to look for other solutions.
4) They either find the solution themselves or find a reference document that explains it.
5) The newbie never reads the answers to his original question.

In fact, we can easily see if #5 is true.

I think we just need a simple solution, like this:

1) User registers
2) User clicks "Post new thread"
3) if (User->PostCount < 5) { User gets big, red text saying "Read This!", followed by an explanation (in black ;)) telling them to search for existing threads before asking. Not doing so will get people mad at them. }

Giving links to the forum guidelines won't help, because they're too long. It's a big document which will scare 99% of all newcomers away.

1st October 2002 16:46 UTC

Fuck you, dumbass! ;) :p

I think that the powers that mod should watch over newbie posts and, say, delete them ASAP....

1st October 2002 18:12 UTC

Wouldn't that be a bit much for mods to do but a good idea in principle i think.

2nd October 2002 02:55 UTC

Yeah, probably a bit too much to ask of the mods to actually oversee the forums :rolleyes:

2nd October 2002 03:10 UTC

who are the mods?

(or is it just Nemessis?)

2nd October 2002 12:35 UTC

Karnov: There are tons of mods, Rovastar is the mod for this forum.

Atero: What I meant was that deleting newbie posts is a bit harsh.

2nd October 2002 19:24 UTC

I see...I don't agree though. It's just cleaning up the forum for the regulars here, and answering most of the questions newbies might have here.

Notice how the fucker hasn't come back. This has become a completely pointless thread, and the subject has changed to 'how can we stop these idiots from cluttering up the forum.' Ya think this deserves to stay up? Neither do I.