28th September 2002 23:21 UTC
Text turns screen blue in additive blend
Every time I turn text to additive blend when I don't have Clear Every Frame checked it turns the screen blue. I've some cool effects with this but it basically just annoys me because replace covers up everything behind it. Does this only happen to me? Can I at least have it be something other than blue?
29th September 2002 01:02 UTC
It's a bug that occurs in Win98 users... I only have Win98, so I don't know whether or not this is true.
I believe it's in the wishlist for this bug to be killed (correct me if I'm wrong, I didn't do a trip to the list for a long time).
29th September 2002 08:56 UTC
If you want to get rid of it you can use color clip. For instance if you want it black set the colors to blue----> black...
29th September 2002 16:41 UTC
The same goes for setting it to replace; it sets the entire screen black (well, slightly blue), and 50/50 decays by 2 to slightly blue.
Anyway, just don't use text. The only good use for it is pack intros.
30th September 2002 00:35 UTC
Hmm, just found out that this problem is nonexistent in fullscreen mode... it's a bug alite...
30th September 2002 00:39 UTC
You could try using replace and then putting the text into an effect list and setting the effect list blend mode to additive. Will eat up fps though.