Archive: Hey everyone!

21st September 2002 07:43 UTC

Hey everyone!
Check out my winamp webpage!
now, i know it is not conformist, but i shows the true me

uber minimilst(?)/lazy

and frickin a' its 1:45, gimme a frickin break

:) :D :p :D :)

21st September 2002 08:15 UTC

i'd only say that was lazy if you used frontpage to make it. nice avs pack there, i hadn't checked it out before... really professional installer too ;)

21st September 2002 16:40 UTC

thanks man, i really appreciate that :)

and thanks again for walking me through the installer; i really appreciate it

21st September 2002 16:42 UTC

That is pretty minimalist. :)

21st September 2002 17:25 UTC

I've made a new installer script with some improvements, I'll post it later when I've stopped trying to make it do new things...

(main improvement it autodetects wa2/3 directory)

21st September 2002 18:38 UTC

jehriko, that sounds schweet

well, i kinda added and fixed up my page a little

22nd September 2002 07:19 UTC

Ooooh... much prettier than before. :)

Damn, your programs reminded me of how much I need to look for my Visual C++ 6.0 CD. The only language I have installed on my system at the moment is Visual Basic. :(

22nd September 2002 18:02 UTC

i realize we are not to discuss warez

but i "found" my CD on a P2P program (imesh)


22nd September 2002 18:51 UTC

yeh but i actually have a legal copy with the huge msdn library and it will take me more than 12 hours to download a whole gigabyte of data.

i also have a legal copy of .net lying around somewhere but is dog shit and is slow.

22nd September 2002 22:35 UTC

12 hours?
dang, im sorry
broadband roxxors my soxxors up to my boxxors

23rd September 2002 04:51 UTC

Okay 12 hours was an exaggeration (more like 2-3, but that is still ages) but I'm not gonna download warez versions of things that I already own. I also don't want c++ without the help files, thats how I learn new things and the msdn cd's that came with c++ have so much on them and its faster to use off of the hard disk than to use the msdn website.

23rd September 2002 15:55 UTC

I found my CD!!! I checked on KaZaA and it only would have taken my 12 minutes to d/load, but hey, this way I'm obeying the law for a change.


26th September 2002 04:18 UTC

pssh! obeying the law!

(i found a Serials2K update website today, im happy! I will use it for...umm...backups of my software. Yeah, thats it, archival purposes)

Wow, i did not realize Winamp2 had a generate HTML playlist function, i thought that was pretty sweet (wonder why WA3 doesn't?)( I really like the way they stack the text in their "logo", that was really clever, but then again, so is nullsoft)

So i did the obivious, but formatted it to fit my website a little better.

(I always did want people to look at my music, I consider my self pretty well rounded, maybe a little heavy on the hip-hop)

So, if you feel inclined, check it out