Archive: Go APE

21st September 2002 03:09 UTC

Been coding all day :). A thousand lines of assembly later, this is the result... expect a release soon :cool:. I know it looks pretty simple but this is one hell of a powerful APE in terms of color adjustment. It supersedes fadeout, brightness, unique tone and such and merges them into one mapper.

21st September 2002 03:48 UTC

ooooooh that looks handy

21st September 2002 04:52 UTC

Cool, now can you make one with a formulaic 'per point' expression option?

And what is that 'trans\texer' I see hey...?

21st September 2002 04:53 UTC

Looks cool. Perhaps you could post a pic of the same preset without the Colour Map, just so I know what I'm looking for?

BTW, Is the Trans / Texer in there one of your new ones too? What does it do?

God, I'm so full of questions. :p

21st September 2002 04:59 UTC

lol, its funny cuase the first thing i picked up on (after pssh! winamp2.x) was "what in the hell is trans->texer?"

It looks schweet tho (im still trying to wrap my head around something that does fade out and unique tone)

21st September 2002 05:48 UTC

That preset looks pretty spectacular. Put in another request for a pice without your new toy.

21st September 2002 05:49 UTC

here is the texer thingy we were wondering about

21st September 2002 10:43 UTC

it looks kick-ass, do when are we expecting a release?

21st September 2002 15:05 UTC

looks pretty damn useful... i think i appreciate now the work you must have put in to get it to go at speed (^_^).

this forums becoming the asm appreciation society


21st September 2002 23:55 UTC

AVS Wishlist?
This is seriously something I thought AVS needed to have for quite some time! I think we have someone working for the AVS Wishlist! Looks like some cool stuff.

22nd September 2002 02:08 UTC

I knew someone'd come along and do this someday ;)
/me hugs UnConeD :P

It looks amazing. I assume that it works thus: You have a list of colors (the slide bars at the top), sort of like this
and any pixels that are red get turned yellow, any yellow gets turned green, and green to cyan to blue to magenta to black, right? And if you wanted to you could create a list like this red-orange-yellow-green-blue-indigo-purple-red so it went in a cycle without fading at all?

Also, since The Forward Flow is going nowhere fast, I've been putting together an AVS Resource Pack. Could I use your 3 Trans APEs in the pack? And CFP, when you get a real final version of your convolution APE (i.e., with ALL bugfixes) could I use that too?

22nd September 2002 05:05 UTC

I thought it was something that mapped colours of brightness (0..1) into a colour on the custom colour chart.

22nd September 2002 12:18 UTC

wow looks good!

was wondering, why your APEs never show up in the APE section in the editor. would be easier to spot them!

22nd September 2002 12:32 UTC

I reckon it is because seamless integration looks more professional.

I also know that when I get round to making some APEs (when I find my damn C++ CD) I would be insulted by them being listed in the same section as Fyrewurx. :P

By the way, your avatar rocks yathosho.

22nd September 2002 13:11 UTC

Originally posted by jheriko
I would be insulted by them being listed in the same section as Fyrewurx. :P
haha, alright! :D

23rd September 2002 14:32 UTC

YES YES YES!!! I found my C++ CD! I'm gonna go figure out APEs!

23rd September 2002 17:06 UTC

Atero's wrong, Zevensoft is right... it takes a certain aspect of a pixel (red chan, green chan, blue chan, max chan or brightness) and uses that as the index in the gradient at the top.

So if you use a black-left-white-right gradient, it turns everything into grayscale. You can use it as unique tone by using a gradient from black to the tone color. But you can also do plasma/chrome-like palettes and more. Quite nifty :)

It allows any of the AVS output modes, except adjustable blend which I still have to do (but should be easy). The APE is quite fast (everything is unrolled, optimized MMX assembly) but of course if an existing component like unique tone does the job perfectly, choose that instead. A specialised component is always faster than a generic one like this.

My current version also allows you to load/save gradients to your harddrive.

I'm going to try and optimize it some more before I release it.

Oh and I'm out of internet until the 3rd of oct (typing this from a univ. computer) so you'll have to wait some more.

23rd September 2002 18:49 UTC

Aww damn :P
You should do something like a dynamic colorfade...I think it's in the wishlist several places. Where in the pixel section you get to decide how the rgb/hls values change (instead of the xy/rd values). Is that possible/plausible?

23rd September 2002 19:05 UTC

atero: yeah you can include my ape in whatever.

the more people it gets to the better really.

23rd September 2002 20:32 UTC

tx cfp!

24th September 2002 10:54 UTC

just add a button to automaticaly cycle the map every x frames and it will be perfect!!!! congratulation for this one...can't wait any more :)

24th September 2002 12:15 UTC

Sounds uber-sexy. Can we be expecting a number of preset palettes?

24th September 2002 17:40 UTC

I want them now :(

26th September 2002 20:51 UTC

Sorry, still internetless (public pc atm)... I've been working on it some more and it's now über-sexy: load/save multiple palettes, fade between them (onbeat, sequential), ...

Just hang on :)

26th September 2002 21:59 UTC

Maybe a floppy disk could solve the problem?


26th September 2002 22:06 UTC

This looks like a great ape.
Unconed if you was a girl I would fall in love whith you now :)

26th September 2002 22:30 UTC

Originally posted by nixa
This looks like a great ape.
Unconed if you was a girl I would fall in love whith you now :)
[montana being childish]
unconed & nixa sitting in a tree
[/montana being childish]

/montana hides

26th September 2002 22:38 UTC

Are there actually any female avs artists around? From what I've seen we're all male.

(correct me if i'm wrong - and apologies in case of offense)

26th September 2002 23:43 UTC

I have just used 4 disks to transfer a 700KB file from my pc to here... not fun, all my disks are broken! I had to write a small utility to encode files w/ Reed-Solomon and then merge them on the other side :) so they could be recovered when partially damaged.

27th September 2002 00:10 UTC

you know, jheriko, i was thinking just that a few days ago

that is a proper question, however.

usually art is associated (sterotypically and maybe only in Redneck Iowa, USA) with women

i do consider math (and more revelently AVS) art

but usually (sterotypically again) math is assosiated with guys

so, where are the artsymathnerdettes?

(i say that with total malevolence: i consider myself a math nerd)

27th September 2002 00:10 UTC

Aren't your apes smaller than 700kb?

Why not go and buy some floppy disks, they cost practically nothing. Although saying that most of my floppies are old MS-DOS and PC-DOS install/upgrade disks with a few old driver disks mixed in.

EDIT: Cool, simultaneous posting :)

27th September 2002 00:14 UTC

Sure if you tell me where to get floppy disks at 1:00am? :)

27th September 2002 01:02 UTC

well i dunno about you europeans

but in the great country of america, you would hop in your SUV, drive on the wonderfully paved highways(sarcastic) and pop into the local Wal-Mart

:) i love it here :)
Everyone should move to america, it would make things so much better

(that was a sweet simoutanious posting; i kept trying to refresh the main forum window cuase it should have said my name!

27th September 2002 22:50 UTC

Karnov: actually for those exact same reasons I think people should not move to the US. Living in small cardboard houses all built next to eachother in giant suburbs, connected to everything through nicely paved highways, the nearest shop a 10min drive away. During the day you spend your life in a cubicle totally devoid of any natural light whatsoever, for something you don't really care about anyway in the greatest oligarchy (capitalism) since ancient Rome.

28th September 2002 01:10 UTC

i wouldnt know about cubicles yet, im just in high school

and if there is anything ive learned in said high schools, it is that capitilism is good and idealistic 'ism's that *sound* good, are indeed actually bad

(damn commies)


(you sound like you harbor a lot of resentment towards the US. or maybe im just a big ol' xenophobe :P)

28th September 2002 01:31 UTC

and if there is anything ive learned in said high schools, it is that capitilism is good and idealistic 'ism's that *sound* good, are indeed actually bad
And there we have it. 'damn commies', capitalism is good. And the US is the best thing to happen to the world since WW2 right?

Like Iraq isn't at all about oil, but about spreading *cough* democracy around.

A good question... how can capitalism be fair when there are people who own billions of dollars? How can you own something that is worth more than a person's entire salary over his entire life? And isn't capitalism just an oligarchy where the masses don't seem to mind their disadvantage because of the high standard of life? And who says capitalism would work if it was spread to the rest of the world? I mean a lot of industries depend on third-world countries' cheap labor market to produce cheaply and massively.

So yes, I do harbour a lot of resentment against the US, but I know damn well why. And please don't reply with 'without the US you'd all be speaking German!' crap, because that's exactly the things you shouldn't get spoonfed in school.

28th September 2002 01:35 UTC

Please do not start an america good/bad discussion. I will get banned from the forums if it happens because I *H-A-T-E* america in the same way as satan hates god. I've already written several pages into this box and deleted them in restraint.

(note: I hate the government and the countries 'ideals', not the people who live there)

Stick to talking about APEs please.

28th September 2002 01:48 UTC

I think any mod who deleted a well-informed, non-insulting discussion about politics is wrong. Granted it might be off-topic, but then again if we'd delete *everything* non-AVS/Winamp we'd have to be ultra-strict.

I don't 'hate' the US like Jheriko describes his feelings, but I do think they're doing something fundamentally wrong. And I don't hold US-citizens personally responsive for that, but I do think that they should be aware of what's going on rather than swallowing what the US media says. Things like 11 september seemed to make the US go 'what's wrong with the world' rather than 'what's wrong with us?', which indicates a serious problem in the masses' self-relativation abilities.

Anyway I won't post anymore about this, so I hope we can leave it like this without unnecessary deletes. After all, a mod may have power, but we're the ones who stick around and make use of the forums daily to stay in touch with eachother ;). I do agree on banning warez or illegal things because it can get Nullsoft into trouble, but politics is not taboo.

28th September 2002 01:57 UTC

Okay, i didn't have things deleted by a mod, i spent ages typing into the 'your reply:' box and deleting what I had typed because it just made me realise that i have really strong beliefs about american involvement in world politics and that I shouldn't go spouting off on these forums about politics since that isn't what they are here for. I did go spouting off on the general discussion forum once about this topic (hence my large number of posts) and it just got really carried away to the point where the thread was going to be closed. I'm sorry if I killed the 'conversation' but I think it is best anyway since a lot of people have strongly conflicting views about these things and discussing them only gives us cause for animosity.

Thank you for respecting my request.