Archive: APE programming

17th September 2002 02:52 UTC

APE programming
I really want to learn how to program APEs, but none of the SDKs I've found work on my machine. That and I'd really rather have someone who's able to answer my questions specifically. Is anyone willing to help...?


17th September 2002 05:07 UTC

Can you program C? Thats pretty much what it is all about at the bare minimum.

I guess the first things you will need are a C compiler and the sdk (the box sample) from the nullsoft site (if you haven't already got them), I need to get one myself - I was all set to go program some APEs before my system crashed the other day and I lost my visual studio. I can't help you beyond that tho, for that you'll probably need unconed or times2, or someone like that, since I'm just starting off myself.

17th September 2002 05:22 UTC

Guess I should've clarified. I have Borland C++ and rhide, but I haven't learned to program graphics yet (again, nothing I've found works on this machine - Here's a tip: DON'T GET BORLAND. IT IS THE BUGGIEST COMPILER EVER.)
And I've tried the SDK. It doesn't work. And I want someone to actually teach it to me in case I have questions that the SDK doesn't answer.

17th September 2002 06:50 UTC

Nullsoft should add support for ActiveX dlls, then people can make plugins in Visual Basic.

17th September 2002 06:58 UTC

yeh then we'dd get flooded by thousands of noob plugins!

atero, i recommend you get a copy of a microsoft compliler and interface like msvc++6.0 or, vc++6 wasn't too expensive (£60) when i bought it, other than that you could always aquire it illegally as warez or something. its worth getting because it makes everything easier to setup, not just for apes. I first got vc++6 for making quake3 mods after completely giving up trying to make it work using borland and then lcc-win. then it came in handy for learning opengl, which i had also tried previously using borland and found hard.

17th September 2002 12:15 UTC

I don't see how Visual Basic code could even be considered :). It's too slow for performance-critical stuff like AVS. Besides I don't think the average VB programmer will understand basic concepts like 32-bit color, raw pixel access and such.

17th September 2002 14:06 UTC

some examples
if you want some examples about ape programming go to my webpage: