Archive: When i tried to upload an AVS pack it says to me that...

12th September 2002 13:26 UTC

When i tried to upload an AVS pack it says to me that...
The page was not found.

HTTP - 404.
What's the problem?

12th September 2002 15:32 UTC

It means that the page you're trying to get to does not exist.

404 is the error number generated by the HTTP server when it tries to access a page that does not exist.

13th September 2002 14:58 UTC

That's i know!!!
But why the page dosen't exist?

13th September 2002 17:02 UTC

just wait a day or something, they maybe having difficulties or they could be swapping things around or you may already have too many packs up there waiting review - it happened to me although slightly differently.

14th September 2002 14:26 UTC

No I dont got any packs that waiting for review.

14th September 2002 18:59 UTC

well i guess you could always do what i have done and upload them everywhere else you can find like or and just keep trying at winamp every week or so.