Archive: b&w contest

8th September 2002 19:44 UTC

b&w contest
avs-king has started a avs-contest @
i suggest that every avs artist with a deviantart account (if you don't have one, get one) enters,

10th September 2002 12:06 UTC

this is cool
man what a damn good idea almost all of the submissions i have seen so far kick ass (even if you do exclude mine :D)

10th September 2002 13:34 UTC

Yeah, this is a really good idea, i mean, it
1. got me to sign up for a DA account
2. got me thinking about black and white presets
3. got my @ss in gear and started on my second pack again!

(attachment is my b&w preset, i like it alot, and i thought id share with all you you :p)

(hehe, Half-Life referance)

10th September 2002 17:34 UTC

my stuff
just thought id zip my submissions up and whack 'em up here too... but you really should go to deviantart to see everyones cool stuff!!!