Archive: flying particle dont fly

25th August 2002 07:25 UTC

flying particle dont fly
flying particles dont fly
im kinda new to this avs thing. I need help with the flying particles, whenever i put them in, they move for 3 seconds and just stop and lay in the middle of the screen. how do i make them keep moving around?

25th August 2002 14:32 UTC

Is there music going?

26th August 2002 00:06 UTC

flying particles
ok, here is what i figured out...the particles do not move when i play a cd in winamp; however, when i play mp3's in winamp they fly. how do i make them fly with a cd?:rolleyes:

26th August 2002 03:48 UTC

Dunno the answer, but I do know it was answered before. Take a look around and check the tech support forum.

26th August 2002 06:42 UTC

You can't. Winamp only sends AVS data from files on the hard drive...I don't know exactly how this work, but basically you cannot use AVS with a CD. Same with most visuals, I think (including vis' other than Winamp's).

Besides, who wants to listen to CDs in their computer...Go MP3 go! ;)

26th August 2002 08:42 UTC

ok next question...
being that i am new to creating avs stuff...does anyone want to help me with the coding part of it? i wanna learn the coding section so i can get more out of my visuals...or if anyone knowes a site that can help please post it...thanks fellers!:D

26th August 2002 10:21 UTC

Ooh! Ooh! I know this one!


A quick search of the forums (without even having to use the engine), or reading the FAQ would answer this question immediately - and about 40 times at that. I think you can figure it out from here... ;)

26th August 2002 11:10 UTC

Yeah, question like this are annoying not only 'cause the asked so frequently, but also because teaching somebody to code ain't easy. The best way is to look around and pick stuff up. There have been lots of questions answered about coding. If you get stuck, then ask about it and we'll see what we can do.

Read the AVS FAQ sticky thread at the top of the forum.

Theres loads of links in there.