Archive: making avs's for 2 years

25th August 2002 06:16 UTC

making avs's for 2 years
i've been making avs's for 2 years
i've gotten to a point where i belive i've got a unique style and would love to let everyone else inloy what i've been doing for such a long time.
the problem is everytime i think of putting up my avs's the whole problem of preparing it in a self extraction file derails me.
i'll be more than happy to post them online if someone can give me some standered script where all i do is insert the names of the files and personalize the intro readme.
i'll be more than happy to give credit to who ever helps so would someone please help

25th August 2002 14:31 UTC

There a a thread not to long ago where GreatWho and Elvis both posted scripts that will install to winamp 3 and winamp 2. Take a look for it in the main forum.

26th August 2002 03:46 UTC


27th August 2002 03:48 UTC

get superPIMP
made by Nullsoft (godlike)

and use the *.zip to *.exe

it roxxors my proverbial boxxors

27th August 2002 06:52 UTC
