Archive: Drop Shadows

26th April 2002 13:19 UTC

Drop Shadows
Have a look at the attached file.

PS. Don't judge the preset, it's just a demo one to show the effect.

27th April 2002 12:29 UTC

That's some seriously tight stuff my friend. I'd definitely consider using that, especially if it was made into a Trans in a future update.

28th April 2002 01:34 UTC

It does add a 3D effect, but I've yet to see a preset that uses something like this well. It means both the foreground *and* background need to be interesting :).
I did use real projected shadows in Whacko AVS IV intro, but that's something totally different, and it's not meant to be an interesting preset :)

I don't see how it can be made into a trans though... you need to do have several buffers anyway, so it would probably not be faster than just using the separate AVS components.

By the way, why is a dynamic movement used for the shifting? Wouldn't a regular movement, or even a static dynamic shift be faster?

28th April 2002 09:20 UTC

You could change it to a normal movement, but the reason a shift isn't used is because for some reason the shadow kept slowly moving further and further.

28th April 2002 19:35 UTC

Well, it IS good... but it is very slow... Only using moving particle, Simple, and blue shouldn't make a preset go down to around 10 FPS...

About the DShift problem :

Try this :

Init : t=33
PerFrame : x=x+t;y=y+t;t=0;

EDIT : The reason of that problem is that Dshift only have "Init","PerFrame", and "OnBeat"... since you were forced to put most things in "Perframe"...

29th April 2002 00:22 UTC

A shift works differently from a regular movement: you need to specify how many pixels to move in the x and y direction (I believe it's mentioned in its config dialog). So if you use "x=x-.1", then that means that each frame, the shadow will move one tenth of a pixel more to the left.

29th April 2002 06:51 UTC

Ok, I used a DShift instead and the fps nearly doubled.

The effect is more suited to when you want a foreground and a background which are both interesting.