Archive: My first preset

9th July 2007 20:32 UTC

My first preset
It's really more of an innovative thing than anything else. It imitates a scrolling script or piece of paper. Something I whipped up in no more than two hours (including time to figure out how SuperScope works). It's really nothing special at all, you guys make much better presets than I do.

Please tell me how to improve! :)

9th July 2007 21:16 UTC

Pretty cool.

In your superscope, you have:


Since the line is always in the same spot you can change it to y=-1;

Something you can do is make it responsive to the music. Have the "words" drawn dark when the music is loud, and lighter or less words when the music is softer. Mabey you can change the speed of the paper on beat, as well.

BTW, since this is your first preset, I recommend you read PAK-9's AVS Programming Guide. I read it and it helped me a whole lot. It has stuff on superscopes, movements and dynamic movements, the third dimension, megabufs etc... There is a whole lot to learn and lots of it can be found in this guide.

8th August 2007 01:34 UTC

using the command rand() in your color formula would keep it from being white all the time. Then it looks more like a painting

9th August 2007 02:17 UTC

I liked your idea. It's pretty origional. So i messed with it a little and ended up with the Scoreprinter. Instead of printing a script with "words," the idea is this one "prints" the music. A little beat detection adds color and motion. What do you think?

9th August 2007 07:12 UTC

I decided to do a remix, aswell. Just a simple remix.