Archive: Lines & Sines (PrePacks)

1st September 2006 01:32 UTC

Lines & Sines (PrePacks)
This is the start of my second pack, "Lines & Sines". I'm trying my best to get them out fast, but I'm not that good with math (yet). These are the first 5 I've made. So far, I'm only using the Superscopes from the examples, unless if someone's willing to help :D
//I'm j2krei08 on AIM, too \\

I'm really trying my hardest. Now that I have internet, I can get help and stuff. Yeah, it's dialup, but at least it's something:p

Tell me how I'm doing. Be brutal - I need the criticism :up:

1st September 2006 14:51 UTC

hey a dialup buddy! welcome to snail-land :)

the presets, well i'd say they're higher noob level. i liked your extra chunky pack better in general.
what i like about chromatose is the grain/scatter effect, for real grimeyness you should now distort the texer2 shape somehow. not within the texer2 but by some movement afterwards.
electric simply looks unfinished. needs better colors and movements.
fire presets always seem cool, but are way too often done and done better! if people would just stop making them...
[i myself made the same in my 1st pack though ;)]
flying looks really good! but i suppose it was rather an accident than intention and it would be good it did more that just going up and down. but really nice!
you should mention where the DM in string theory comes from. i mean i know it's avs-king's but other people would just say: "whoa what a cool guy pulling out such a DM" while you did nothing. so give credit.

overall one can see that one crucial thing is missing: own code. the only one pulling out a line of stunning presets without much code-knowledge i know is framesofreality. maybe you take a closer look at how he achieves certain effects.


1st September 2006 18:25 UTC

Wow, so you were one of the few who downloaded Extra Chunky!? You're definitely my friend :cool:

I'll check out framesofreality now. I should be able to get some insight.

Credit added for avs-king.

And yes, Flying was a mistake gone great:p

1st September 2006 18:37 UTC

i like chromatose best, though it could need some optimization (and some dutty remixes!)

1st September 2006 20:11 UTC

Wow, that's unexpected. Chromatose was something different, before i zipped it i changed a few little things - good thing I did :igor:

Go ahead, remix all you want - I might even like it and put it in the pack with props

3rd September 2006 21:50 UTC

Alright, I messed with Chromatose and came up with this. Enjoy?

It looks best 640x480 @ 32bpp ;)

3rd September 2006 21:53 UTC

Oops, wrong one - here's the right one (sorry for triple post, but cookies aren't working right on my machine)

18th September 2006 09:42 UTC

I think I've seen you before in this forum :weird:

21st September 2006 23:56 UTC

I think I've seen you before in this forum :weird:
What's your point :confused:

I've been a member since January 2006, mainly to ask questions about my previous (what some would call n00b) pack, Extra Chunky. Now, I'm working on my second pack and would like input as I complete it so I can get a better end result than Chunky.
Mainly, the topics that I'm concerned with are Skins and AVS, but I've posted a few suggestions for future Winamp releases, and I've tried some stuff in the Recycle Bin (that failed miserably since that portion of the community doesn't look too kindly to resurrecting older ideas), but my main objective is to get help and suggestions from other AVS fans and creators to learn and build my skills.