Archive: Need help with loading avs files.

16th May 2005 02:58 UTC

Need help with loading avs files.
I'm having a slight problem with my avs files and folders. In my default avs directory I have 6-8 different avs folders. When I run Winamp and go to load an avs I only see 3 listed out of the ones I have. It list Advanced Visualization Studio v.2.81b, Milkdrop and Nullsoft Tiny Fullscreeen plugins. I also have Wacko Revisited, R4 and a few others but they aren't show in the visualization options list. I have uninstalled all my avs files and reinstalled but I still can get them all in the list. Has anyone else had this problem. How can I get them all to show up ? :rolleyes: :mad:

16th May 2005 12:07 UTC

seems as if you're mixing up some pretty different things: Don't worry that only 'AVS', 'Milkdrop' and 'Nullsoft Tiny Fullscreen' appear in the visualisation-options. That's correct, cause here you only see your installed Visualisation-Plugins (=the "programms" that draw those tidy graphics).

These 'Plugins' (Except Nullsoft Tiny Fullscreen) can run 'Presets' (= Small files containing a bunch of settings telling the plugin what to draw and how to react to the music etc.).

Now, 'Whacko Revisted' is an (awesome) 'Preset'-Pack for AVS. If you want to view these presets, you have to start AVS, and right-click on the visualisations screen. From that appearing context menu you can choose the AVS-Presets you want.

Ok, i hope the 'Lands of Winamp's music Visualisations' came a bit clearer now!