Archive: Another n00b question...

1st March 2005 18:45 UTC

Another n00b question...
Man I know there must be such an obvious answer to this, but it will really save me a lot of time to know beforehand. Do I make the preset in the order I want things to appear (i.e., background elements first, then fore) or vice versa, or perhaps it makes no difference? (but I'm sure it does) Thanks for your help.:igor:

1st March 2005 19:08 UTC

Yes, the render order is from top to bottom, blended accordingly. You can change the order somewhat with buffer saves but dont worry about that unless you want to do 'advanced' stuff

1st March 2005 19:34 UTC

Thanks, PAK. good to see you again. :D

1st March 2005 19:36 UTC

no advanced stuff for me just yet. I'm still figuring out these basics! :P

1st March 2005 19:44 UTC

No! I have to shove more information into your brain than it can handle!

1st March 2005 19:57 UTC

ha ha. I dont think my brain will implode, but it's a great thing to have these forums and all the guides there are if you know where to look, so you dont have to remember everything all at once. So any info you think may be pertinent, go ahead and give it, I'll try to hold my head in place. :))

1st March 2005 20:07 UTC

Well, with respect to render order it will render from top to bottom, however remember that trans elements above a render element will have the render element rendered over it, make a preset that has a superscope and a movement and swap them around to see the effect it has.

If you need to render/trans a series of elements seperately from another series of elements use an effect list. If you want to save what has been rendered up to a point, use a buffer save. Then you can get that back with a buffer save set to 'restore'. I cant really suggest anything else important, you need to learn by exprimenting really.

1st March 2005 22:08 UTC

I understand. That is a wealth of information right there. I am currently mixing different presets and tweaking them to see what happens, and I have already learned quite a bit. (Please don't worry, I am not someone who is going to try to claim releaed presets as my own whether they are mixed and/or tweaked or not). Thanks again. Excelsior!

1st March 2005 23:33 UTC

hey pak, anything wrong with you? No offending "noobs stink" today, just plain and helpful explanations! Not bad!

3rd March 2005 00:03 UTC

I like beeferoni, I've taken him under my wing

3rd March 2005 00:15 UTC

said by the grandmasta of flame, the personified fright of any noob... ;)

btw, i didn't knew that there is that much space under a sparrow's wing :p

7th March 2005 18:23 UTC

Theres plenty of space under my giant albatross-esque appendage.

8th March 2005 10:35 UTC

watch out not to get overloaded! When you have to lift that appendix and your charge you might be unabled to fly!

9th March 2005 12:33 UTC

Its an appendage (body part) not an appendix (piece of collateral information to a document)

I'm afraid your post is a mix of innapropriate words and exclamation marks that I cant really follow.

9th March 2005 17:02 UTC

ah, pak its always the same with you: if you don't know a good counter, you blame the opponent for using a bad english. However, i'm sorry to correct you, but actually "appendix" means the small end-thing of the intestines. (Besides, you should also keep an eye on your own spelling.) :p

Ok let's leave it with this. Somehow it's really petty to discuss about correct english and that...

Perhaps we should stop our permanent quarrels in genral?!

10th March 2005 09:41 UTC

like many words 'appendix' has more than one meaning my unpronouncable friend; When people use a word they very rarely mean the obscure medical definition ;)

In fact now I'm even more confused by your post, you were talking about me lifting a narrow vestigial process projecting from the small caecum in the base of my abdomen? If thats a devastating medical quip thats gone over my head then I salute you sir!

Everyone knows not to start discussions about English with me, I usually get carried away. But I dont want to stop our quarrels, they're so fun!

10th March 2005 10:08 UTC

well, it is to be feared that a discussion about the English language would a bit er.. unequal somehow. also i don't really like that linguistic/interpretation/meaning of words/etc. stuff. I'm more a scientific person, rather than an "arts" type.

10th March 2005 10:22 UTC

Well, language isnt really anything to do with art, but I know what you mean.

Personally I'd like to think I have an appreciation of both science and art... I'm a Bachelor of Science but I also make AVS presets ;)

10th March 2005 10:36 UTC

actually your presets are very tech heavy so your scientific nature shines through. ;) btw what are your studies actually?

well, with "art" i didn't find the correct word i was searching for. i meant that linguistic/philological area of science. However i think that i have a feeling for artistic stuff either. Not only concernig presets, but also in a musically way (i love to play piano and also improvise own new melodies).

10th March 2005 11:15 UTC

A piano player, nice.

My studies? I'm doing a masters degree in digital signal and image processing, last year I finished my BSc in software engineering.

10th March 2005 11:41 UTC

Congrats! Then you have a mutual profit from hobby and occupation. How long did it take to make the bachelor? 6 semesters (=3 years)?

10th March 2005 14:59 UTC

yea three years, what about you?

10th March 2005 15:54 UTC

the upcoming semester is my fourth, and the normal period are nine semesters. Then i'll (hopefully) take my diploma.

10th March 2005 16:24 UTC

diploma can mean different things, you mean a post graduate diploma?

10th March 2005 16:49 UTC

im not sure what the correct english word is, since studies are different in the uk than they are in germany. Here the usal graduation are/were "Magister"(in humane science) and "Diplom"(in natural science). (most subjects are just about to change from that to the bachelor and master system you have in the UK for example). Well i'll try to explain how it works when you want to make a diploma: 4 semester "basical" studies", after/during that oral pre-exams, then main studies and after 9 semesters you make the "diplom-exam" (= written work + oral examinations). (Most terms may be incorrect, but i hope that you get what i mean, cause it seems as if there are no direct translations).

10th March 2005 17:32 UTC

I get it

11th March 2005 22:10 UTC

sure? usually you're grousing about my bad grammar and incomprehensible wording... ;)