Archive: Flush Global Variables?

20th December 2003 14:13 UTC

Flush Global Variables?
Hmm... Just a small question, i used global variables in a couple of presets (im updating ED using wa5). But Global vars seemed to work a bit... funky, at startup the scopes & dm's would go berserk detecting some pretty mad values for the 3D rotation for example, im guessing from a previous preset. This seemed to get fixed by setting every reg i used to zero on the "control components" init. eeh what im just basicly asking, am i doing the right thing or is my coding just really bad? :igor:

btw. how about a simple function or an APE that would automaticly "flush" every global register from reg00 to reg99 ? Would help enourmosly and i wouldn't have to write long lines in the init like: reg00=0 ; reg01=0 ; reg02=0 and so on...

20th December 2003 14:30 UTC

Moved to wishlist.

22nd December 2003 04:48 UTC

havent noticed before but this is a change since globals first appeard. In v2.7 every global that was used in the preset was cleard on init i think. This does make preset to preset comunication easyer dough (i cant really imagine what they would want to tell eachother:D). Like you said a clear function would be nice.

The other clearing problem is much older but also a bit hard to get over. The picture bufers dont get cleared when the preset loads.