Archive: FPS detection

30th October 2003 23:28 UTC

FPS detection
It could be very nice to have the current FPS put in a global or something, and then also be able to have certain effects turn off or change depending on the FPS. For example - one preset may be able to look really sweet on a fast computer, but for someone who has a crappy computer, you may want to turn it off so the preset is still viewable

31st October 2003 00:58 UTC

Revelation #1 : gettime( ) returns time in seconds.
A hardcoded version would be more accurate, but hey, for now, just make a cheap one.

31st October 2003 01:37 UTC

Seconds are mostly useless. I want milliseconds at least.

31st October 2003 07:14 UTC

I could use gettime(), but what I'm thinking is that all effects(not just coded ones) could have a box to specify minimum FPS rate for that effect to be active. Slow things like Buffers and such that slow presets down a lot could be set to be done a different way in case of slow FPS rates.